
Tyra's blink rate is really distracting in that gif.

True dat, GOP luvs wishing-makes-it-so logic.

I'm fond of commenting about people watching, along the lines of "I wonder why that lady is still wearing her overcoat?" I make an effort not to be mean-spirited, but anyone who's been to an event where people are forced to awkwardly interact knows how amusing people watching can be, plus it give two people a chance

wait wait wait. How is a legislative body allowed to redefine the biology of embryo vs. fetus? Isn't biology pretty clear on which stages of development are embryonic and which are fetal?

Really? I've never heard him speak anything but English, so that's horribly awesome to me. I'd love to see it. Of course, back during GWB's campaigns, he used to make attempts at courting the Hispanic vote that were hilarious; he had Celia Cruz at one of his functions, and when he tried to salsa on stage, there was

My cat doesn't need to go to the effort of transmitting tuberculosis to me. He sits directly on my chest and sucks my soul out through my eyes. Much more efficient.

We could only hope. I think, from the GOP's perspective, it's more like nomination-bait, but as many here have commented, as a 37 year old just eyeing his first elected office (Texas land commissioner), he's too young to run just yet.

I don't know about other couples, but "eating, exercise, and leisure habits" are not where conflict lies in my relationship with my husband of 5 years (almost standard for this study). Now, if they had taped conversations about sex, money, or home renovation projects, then they'd see the fireworks!

Well, it's been part of the GOP's fundamental misunderstanding of minorities from the beginning. Women, Hispanic people and black people are thinking, reasoning people who know each group is not homogeneous, so just running someone who fits the label/look doesn't necessarily mean that person is the best one to

Yeah, ever since I saw him speak in 2000, I've thought of him as the GOP's ticking time bomb, but that wouldn't be fair of me, since I know I've changed a great deal in the last 13 years, so he may have as well. He could be a great guy for all I know.

LOL. His eyes do look... odd... in that photo. The upshot is unflattering to all, but perhaps yours is a more realistic image. Can't get away from him being a youngish, Hispanic Bush from Florida. A can't-miss combo for the GOP.

Tell me about it.

Gov. Perry and Lt. Gov. Dewhurst are willing to … put women in harm’s way in order to step up on the political ladder.

Reagan and McCain were too old because they were run-down and heading towards senile/crazy (or serious brain degeneration in Reagan's case), not because of their actual numerical ages. Ms. Clinton strikes me as someone who remains vital and mentally capable. Some people at 50 aren't as with-it as she is.

Totally. That and because Bush. "Hey I vaguely recognize that name" *screen tap/lever pull/card punch*

Yeah, he could be more of a poster boy than anything else.

Oh, but they'd much rather court the Hispanic vote, while pandering to the ladies with some JFK Jr. level eye-candy and still staying in the fold with a Bush progeny. I mean, look at what they tried to do with Gomez in Massachusetts.

I was forced to listen to him speak during the 2000 election (yes, I was, like, 16 and he was not much older), and he was super-smarmy even then, so I can only imagine what he's like now. Hello, Invisaline and ZOOM bleaching.

As long as they couch it in terms of "all the ladeez will wants to have his babies," then it's ok. That's not lust, that's procreation.

Well, it could be part of a larger strategy, because they've been frothing at the mouth to run this kid for the last ten years: