
That's so, so true. The idea of romance novel sex is kinda cool. The reality seems like it might cause permanent brain damage (all that blacking out must be bad for you).

Absolutely the creepiest thing I've seen all day. And it's a Sunday in the South, y'all.

That totally makes sense (the generational split). And I think we'll be better off for it.

Two thoughts: First, from a professional standpoint (I'm a market research analyst), you can write a question to get any answer you want. If the question was written to elicit support for a normative philosophy, that's what we're going to get. Heaven forbid we rock the boat for a hallmark holiday article.

Well, not that the two stories should be linked in any way, but you have to admit, a version of Fifty Shades where Not-Bella/Mermaid throws herself into the ocean and becomes sea foam because she can't reach the emotionally unavailable prince/Grey/Not-Edward might be more satisfying than the actual ending.

Oh, god. Please tell me the quote is actually "hot knife through butter," not "fudge." Ick.

I'm enjoying the strategically placed "play" button on the main image.

A phrase doesn't even need to be vaguely cylindrical in nature to be a euphemism for penis. I like to tease (as in comedic teasing, not the other kind) my husband by reading aloud some of the ridiculous passages from the romance novels I read. Our favorite is "velvet steel." Come here with that great big hunk of

I was just going to add that. ><


Color me disappointed in Salma Hayek. I was just this morning telling my husband how I thought she was so beautiful because she did not starve herself. *le sigh*

Oh, Ad Week. WTF is a "Poor Man's Ron Swanson"? Isn't Ron Swanson the poor man's man?

I feel like the interview for this job will closely resemble JV cheerleading try-outs.

Ugh, Fancy Feast juice! That shit will make your fingers smell like salmon guts for days, no matter how much you wash them.

I wonder how much of the study looked at the influence on the men of the household as well. Fertility isn't a singularly female issue, and if the men were "distracted" by the television, or some other random correlation=causation mess (these studies appear questionable in their conclusions to me), wouldn't that be

When I was kid (way, way before youtube), I would attach kleenex to my cat's tail with yarn so he would "sweep the floor." It was slightly less voluntary and probably much less cute, but hey, I was six.

Exactly. I'd much rather watch a video-taped performance of his than some B-list celebrity eff it up.

He's seriously one of the best Anthem singers available. He should just travel the country, singing the Anthem at all sorts of events. In fact for events he can't reach, we should just show a video tape. Sing ALL the Anthems!

Even stupider: All the boxes had the same puerile insult/name. They couldn't even be bothered to come up with a couple of variations.

Obvious Study is Obvious.