C’mon, you’re reading a Deadspin soccer article and complaining about a measly 75-word sentence?
C’mon, you’re reading a Deadspin soccer article and complaining about a measly 75-word sentence?
You just don’t appreciate how hard it is for most people to look like idiots when it comes so easily to you.
You do it a disservice by calling it a sentence. It’s at least a sentence and a half, overdressed for the occasion with a few loose appendages slapped on for good measure.
Why keep dragging Press through the mud? You keep beating this fucking dead horse of a story. Just makes you look like idiots.
It’s good that Press has at last acknowledged the folly of lending Barstool her celebrity, the USWNT’s fame, and the commendable and progressive things she and the USWNT have come to represent, and in doing so allowing an odious site to use her and the national team as a shield behind which they can attempt to hide…