c h z m k l

It wasn’t perfect but it was a very good game at launch that is now an even better game.

I am black with locs for 14 years. I gotten compliments from people that I wouldn’t expect and have received hate from black people saying I should cut them for jobs. ( never had problem with employment) Lin does not bother me cause who cares.

This show is trash, don’t waste your time. The first episode is painful to watch.

Introduce her to MLK’s Birmingham letter about white moderates, and the subsequent analyses of how accurate he was.

Solidarity among employees worked. What a concept.

Kudos to the anchors who stood firm in support of Hill

This is just going to lead to more deaths from accidental shootings as most gun owners probably won’t be properly trained.

I think the argument is the thought that someone might be carrying is a deterrent.

In this state, always follow the water. Am I excusing the hook up, bribery bullshit NOPE but Detroit has been taking hits from suburban politicians (for 50 years that number is VERY IMPORTANT) trying to seize control of the system that pumps water throughout southeast Michigan and treats its sewage. Kwame was

Them cats looking at their pockets like:

“I must make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers.

Now playing

I’m going to leave this right here and look at P3 sideways for not having this on the list. You just put this on repeat, turn it up, and walk away.

I would like to officially call for a recount and would like to add:

Well said! And unfortunately, those leaders who “traded liberation for assimilation” succeeded, and it’s become the model too many of us follow. Every time we remain docile, silent or play the respectability game, we condemn the next generation to fight the same ole, same ole.

This kinda says it all right here.

Case in point. The NFL wants nothing to do with Kaep right now, but you can buy a Kaep Jersey from the NFL RIGHT. NOW.