
"Neither: Not the one nor the other of two people or things; not either." Your sentence structure is incorrect, as you didn't identify what 2 words he misspelled of the 14 he typed. Had you said "You spelled neither Sodom nor Gomorrah correctly." Then you could bask in that glow of internet comment elitism.

I don't have my foil hat on, can I borrow yours?

That is hilarious. We love that Milo is gay and dates black men. Are you kidding? That's got so much diversity it makes me wet.

Spot on.

number 5 is alive!

Maybe he'll guest anchor the elections, we can hope!

I figured that would happen after Colbert announced his departure. It looked like Jon had a hard time holding back tears from the moment he brought it up. I'm gonna miss him.

F'kn Betty!

Life has a funny way of coming full circle, I think Gillian and Nucky's relationship plays to that concept.

I don't really think that's a spoiler. I haven't seen those photos but with them showing flash backs of Nucky meeting the commodore and Gillian needing to get things straight in her mind, I figured the stories would converge at some point in the season.

I agree! You pointed out a few things that I didn't think about. I would've liked to have a few more episodes after this one and definitely some 'back story' to this episode. I also was a bit disappointed in the Oberyn and Mountain fight, it left me feeling a bit blah. The scene as I read it in the book seemed much

Me too, Perhaps because of the expense of making the series?

Well, I was disappointed that the entire episode was dedicated to this so far into the series. That doesn't leave much air time for what comes next, meaning we get screwed on some great scenes from the book. That's not to say I didn't like this episode, I love a good fight and seeing the giants and mammoths on screen

I will often go back and reread the scenes that play out in the series because of that.

I liked that Jays reaction was honest. I noticed a few comments here that were unhappy with that reaction. The truth is a lot of people feel that way about gay family members, and wrapping everything in a nice bow takes away from the quality of the show. We knew in the first season Jay wasn't crazy about his son being


In the last few moments of the episode where Mitchell and Cam are in the car heading home, I thought that Mitchell's acting was phenomenal. He didn't have any lines but the look in his eyes said it all. It really made me feel for those that have experienced that pain from their parents.

I know what you mean about being disappointed. I listen to both. Insult the artist and he is equally insulting the fans that enjoy that music. Looks like Butler has a bad case of backpatitis.