
I’m really curious if there are any plans to bring back the 8v8 mode they had in SC1 and SC2. It’s what I played exclusively, and I stopped following the series once they ditched it. I loved the metagame of setting up a team of my best characters, and I’d pick up SC6 in a heartbeat if I could do that again.

I just bought it a month or two ago, so I’ve recently gone through the unlock grind. When you start out, the tutorial videos and scenarios will give you enough currency to get a nice selection of characters, and getting all of the base-game characters won’t take you long at all. The DLC characters take a fair bit

I’m not big on shooters, but some streams of Rainbow Six: Siege looked fun, so I grabbed a copy. Hot damn is it a good time. I’ll probably be playing a lot of that this weekend. Hoping to find some folks to play with in a squad though. Randoms in Casual are a mixed bag of reasonable adults and rage-filled children.

I mean, if you had a friend that spouted hateful crap at you every time you told him or her about something exciting you were doing or working on, what would you do? Tell them more things going on in your life, or stop talking to them completely? This is particularly apt if we’re talking about their personal Twitter

If we’re not going to actually discuss anything you brought up in your post and just make petty assumptions about one another, I’m not sure I’ll take much stock about being a productive member of society from someone who makes a dozen overly emotional comments on Kinja articles every day. Have a salty Thursday, bud.

Eh, you spent most of the novel you wrote here talking about how much better Riot handles this situation with fewer resources, when in reality their efforts have been ultimately useless at curbing their notorious toxicity problem. I’m not sure why you’re so defensive over some pretty simple questions relevant to your

Are you saying that League of Legends is less toxic than Overwatch? Do you believe that the time, money, and resources that Riot has put into researching and building tools for their own toxicity problem has made a notable difference in people being awful to each other?

I don’t follow the Smash scene, but this is really interesting stuff. I’d love to see this inclusionary mindset in MOBAs, RTSs, and FPSs as well. Getting a group of rule-makers with a wider breadth of experience is a great first step in seeing a more diverse and interesting cast of players in all esports.

I’ve been interested in trying this game for a long while, but I can’t get over their pricing. I like that there’s a $15 version, but it sounds like I’d have a big grind ahead of me to unlock operators if I go that route, and I don’t even know if I’d like the game that much. Then there’s three other versions on Steam

This is the biggest reason I haven’t picked Titanfall 2. I really want to play it, but the way I buy games is to throw it on my Steam wishlist, wait until I get a notification that it’s on sale, then go grab it. Origin has such a small library that I never go there to check if there are any deals going on. So if

You’re right in that there’s an unfair stigma because of some of the more...dedicated fandom, and that’s a shame. It’s never great when folks write off a product, let alone an entire industry, because some of the people who dig it are eccentric or take things a little too seriously.

Mei is trying to outsnipe a Widowmaker, and an enemy Winston puts a bubble around Widowmaker so she can’t be shot. Mei quickly makes an ice wall underneath the Widowmaker so she gets popped up above the bubble, out of its protection, so she can be headshotted.

While the normal Hearthstone subreddit is full of salt, face-only players, and all the things you hate, /r/CompetitiveHS seems pretty chill with people genuinely theorycrafting new cards and discussing decklists. It may be worth checking out if you’re feeling the itch to get back into things and want a smarter

From the quote there it also sounds like they expected their success with Prison Architect to carry their next game. I’m not sure about most other players, but when I play an indie game I really enjoy, I don’t immediately follow them and snap up whatever they make next. It sounds like a learning opportunity that they

I attended E3 in 2010 when I was able to get a pass through my university, and I thought it was a miserable experience even then. I left disappointed after the first day and haven’t had any interest to attend again. I feel like this new open E3 is just a way for them to grab some quick cash from fans before it becomes

I definitely agree on your second point, though they make be trying to rework what the brand means to them. As a console brand, it definitely seems like a path downward. I can’t imagine having it as a completely optional part of their ecosystem is very profitable either. I’m curious what their plan is.

Wait, how is having more exclusives a win? Exclusive titles by their very nature are anti-consumer unless it’s a small developer who can’t afford to develop for multiple platforms.

Now playing

Is this considered “adorkable”? Because this writing was some serious immersion-breaking cringe for me during my playthrough.

Jeff From The Overwatch Team added that there’s a second version of the brawl in which you can play as any hero you want. “We heard after the Junkenstein event that a lot of people wanted to play with any hero they wanted,” he said. “So we’re giving you sort of two versions: the intended version, but also the super

PLAYERUNKNOWN is the original modder who made the Battle Royale mod for Arma 2 and Arma 3. He also worked with Daybreak as a consultant to bring a battle royale mode to H1Z1, which is the H1Z1: King of the Kill this article is talking about. Now he’s taken his passion for battle royale into his own standalone title