
We'll have to wait for the dash-cam video before drawing any conclusions.

Worst thing is the “vehicle stopped on shoulder”. If I could remove ONE feature, it would be that. On long hauls, there is one almost EVERY MILE, and usually so far off the road it would do NOBODY any danger.

I am a really heavy Waze user- I think I’m like #900 in my state. The day I can selectively remove only “Vehicle Stopped on Shoulder” is the day I will consider Waze to be all grown up. So many little things make it just not quite perfect.

The GOP absolutely succeeds in alienating the “moderates” who respond by...not voting at all. This is the unfortunate dynamic that keeps playing out, more and more, each cycle. I would think there’s a tipping point somewhere, but apparently the GOP will have to cause an outright Depression even worse than the Bush

The Republican Base is a lost cause. But there are lots of “undecideds” out there. And, in Texas, people who just don’t bother to vote.

The Republican narrative on Benghazi, as best I understand it, is that it was a terrorist attack planned well in advance, that Clinton and Obama personally could have done something to prevent. Instead they let it happen, even going so far as to decrease the security detail at that embassy in particular to ensure its

Just look at the site (if you can without it ruining your day). Let’s just say their take on yesterday’s hearings are vastly different from any other news outlet.

I said this over on the Gizmodo article, which is just slightly below Gawker Prime in attracting right wing crackheads, and will say it again here. Ben Carson needs to have his medical license stripped. he is a lying pandering jackass using fear to advance a political agenda, which is his right. But he then loses the

I hate to be the chart & graph equivalent of a grammar nazi, but nothing gets my goat worse than a graph without labeled axes and units. A legend would be nice, too.