
Don’t feel guilty about some writers opinion. I feel the same as you. I have loads of students who love the game. It’s great fun with friends. The core of the game is a lot of fun; the shooting, the abilities and the flying.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: all of these reviews make me feel guilty for enjoying Anthem.

Apparently I’m one of the only folks who loved ME:A, Bugs and All. 

KOTOR 2 was the greatest Star Wars story since Empire, and EA shat all over its characters and plot for their stupid MMO.

This headline didn’t need the last four words...

Well, at least Star Wars tabletop gaming is in better shape than it was a decade ago.

“It’s not clear what will happen with Star Wars in the coming years. I don’t know the specifics of Disney’s deal with EA, or whether it has any out clauses, or whether there are conversations on either side about bringing it to an end. For years now, fans have expressed desire for the exclusivity deal to go away.

and its catastrophic sequel, Star Wars Battlefront II, which epitomized the worst habits of modern gaming with its to pay-to-win mechanics,

And yet here we are, nearing the end of a console generation, and digital games is how most people buy video games. MS got raked over the coals for doing something ahead of the curve, albeit without a clear coherent plan which would have helped sell the idea, but regardless we are nearly at a point where the digital

What are you talking about? That whole thing has been changed a month ago. Now it’s juts all pure linear progressions. The loot box is purely cosmetics

There was never a way to purchase in-game things with real money. The game launched worldwide without microtransactions. You could still buy things with in-game credits, however, which were earned by playing.

It really bothers me how often I hear “GOOD I CAN PLAY IT NOW SINCE THEY TOOK OUT MICROTRANSACTIONS!!” when