
This game was so good. You started with limited funds and one life. You had magic powers, simple weapons and different classses. Swift elf with high magic, all around human, trolls. You could revive a player but it cost you a reduction to your personal magic pool. 5 rounds. Really required teamwork. Need to go play

The tonal dissonance between the game’s grim, climate disaster setting and the slapstick Specialists has been one of the major criticisms of the game”

I really enjoy the game. I like the Specialists. They each offer something useful if you use your thinking brains. Irish and his shoot down sentinel are crazy good for defending inside a building. Put it near the doorway and non bullets don’t get through. I think Angel is my favorite. His crate allows you to change

I hear you there. It’s the cool thing to jump on and hate even if they’ve clearly never played the game.

Yep. Doesn’t line up with the facts. Unless he had 3 weapons almost at 1200 kills then maybe? He also would’ve had to die twice and be brought back or been Angel and switched his gear after he earned the tier 1 medal.

It’s still there. Multiple versions as of yesterday. Playing on BC2 maps is a blast. You can also play them yourself in Portal.

Yeah you rank up fast and can get ALL the unlocks in private bot matches if you like. Learn to fly a chopper in bot matches, then take that into real matches.

Not true. There are no luck based challenges to unlock anything. There’s one challenge per week and they are quite easy. Just get kills, revives, play the objective, get medals etc. Throw smoke grenades etc. No microtransactions either. You couldn’t use vehicles in the Zombie mode. Only on foot.

I had a blast the first and only match I played. Love the huge scale and tons of players running around, in vehicles and on foot. It was like a huge battle going on with large and small pockets of activity all over the place.

This article is a bit misleading. It’s not a complete black screen with no functionality. The fix is easy and only takes a bit of time. You don’t lose anything. Still a pain yes, but it’s not “bricking” xboxes. Great reporting.

Welcome back.

I have no guilt about what games I buy. I have no “backlog of shame” just a closet of games I have played, am playing or I plan to play. I like having the option of playing any type of game at a glance. I play many games at once both current and old. I don’t buy because of some sale urge or the need to buy.

I would buy an updated Crimson Skies game day one even though I have Gamepass Ultimate. I use the same profile picture in my teacher role.

Crimson Skies was such a great game.

You bet. The gameplay is nothing new but it doesn’t have to be. I had fun running through a level with my younger daughter. We watch the cartoons when it’s hang out time. She liked it too.

It’s super fun if you are a fan of GIJoe. Worth the money and it’s 2 player couch co-op. Throw back level designs. Classic cartoon storyline, character interactions are like the cartoon and comic style motion graphic cut scenes. I’m really enjoying it. I’ve played about 5 missions.


Not working for me. Keeps failing my working credit cards.

Not working for me. Keeps failing my working credit cards.

Farscape. Amazing series.

I think Battletoads is fun and funny so far. My daughters like playing it with me also, in 3 player co-op. We’re only on act 2. I like that it’s just goofy odd gametypes mashed together with a silly story. The girls loved Toadshambo. It’s just zany fun. I think it’s a game that should be played not watched from afar.