
I believe Titan, Ganymede, Io and Callisto are larger. Jupiters 4 main moons are huge.

Hmm. Looks like online coop is with randoms only. Also limitations on couch coop?

Hmm, feels like this article was written mainly to stir up the angry mob and to give the haters who have never played the game another article to come up with clever memes and snarky comments.

This entire tiny post was created to get bitching I mean “discussion” going. Nothing more. Get them clicks Kotaku.

been or should’ve been or what was made in the past or what the mob says. I play games I like for what they are. No Man’s sky is fun. Love this game.

How many games are developed in a similar manner I wonder?


This game is still a blast to play. The new mode sounds fun.

Doesn’t help either when entire articles are written to stoke the flames. How long did Kotaku beat the horse that was Battlefront 2?

I find it funny how liking Destiny again is cool. Destiny used to be the whipping boy of games, it was cool to hate and write articles about it’s poor choices. It was blasted for it’s Black Armory at first. Now it’s great content? What gives?

I play whatever game is fun for ME, popular opinions be damned.

Don’t feel guilty about some writers opinion. I feel the same as you. I have loads of students who love the game. It’s great fun with friends. The core of the game is a lot of fun; the shooting, the abilities and the flying.

I did buy to play online with friends and Nintendo Online is subpar. I’m adult, my friends who are states away are NOT coming over for couch coop.

Love Pikmin. So happy to see Nintendo Proper design a new gameplay mechanic and a new IP to go with it. Too often the game mechanic is saddled to the Mario or Zelda series.

Make non-canon star wars games again. New Star Wars games could also be created as What If games or create new characters that have very little interaction with existing characters to cut down on the it all has to fit problem.

and its catastrophic sequel, Star Wars Battlefront II, which epitomized the worst habits of modern gaming with its to pay-to-win mechanics,

That’s the part that struck me the most also.

Yes, and guys are making it in the NFL or the NBA. But the chances of one making it in any of the three are slim. There’s only so many spots on a team or too many players streaming fortnite. He will need something different to set himself apart from the other thousands of streamers. 

Yes. Always able to find hunts and get partners. Mostly friendly too.

That was long. I’ll be honest I skimmed a lot of it. I like the part where you say it’s fun. That was most useful to me. As a story, I liked your connection with your grandfather (Mine was also in the war) but that information wasn’t needed for a launch day review I think.