
1. No, she wants the FBI to investigate before she testifies herself. The Senate has been trying to get her to testify on her terms for a week, and she’s taken every opportunity to avoid the potential of perjuring herself.

Ridiculous article; you continue to show why 1/2 the country thinks the left is hysterical, unhinged, and incapable of presenting any platform other than hating Trump. I gave up on and quit the GOP nearly a decade ago, and have open-mindedly voted across the aisle since then. Now though, it will be a cold day in hell

Why not right in the middle, integrated with the badge?

There are also a lot of places with mild winters. All seasons are fine there. 

Etiquette used to dictate that you didn’t tip as much on the alcohol. Alcohol gets a bigger markup than food without the same preparation costs.

Yeah, the water bill and the cellar are paid for by the $50 spent on the wine, not the $8-10 spent on the tip.

I mean, yeah you have to tip, but your answer is confusing. What does the water bill have to do with how much I tip? Or the presence of a wine cellar? Those are bills that SHOULD be paid with some of the markup on the bottle itself. Tips are for the staff, not for the manager to pay overhead.

I’m 46 so the N.E.S was new on the market during my teen age years. Everyone I ever bumped into called it the En. Ee. Es.

Seriously?? As if these assholes aren’t costing us enough. GFYS.

Can I donate points to send them to Guatemala?

Can we use those miles to send them back to where they came from with instructions on how to do it properly next time?

Do frequent flyer miles help people follow laws?

I’d rather use my points to beef up the immigration process and keep out illegal immigrants so this mess is prevented.

Anyone who was alive when these came out knows that these will always be the N.E.S. in America.

My understanding is that this is because when he first started running the gun was in his belt or pocket and not in his hand. When he started running I think he had a bottle in his hand. The analysis I saw was that people were insistent that he had no weapon because he wasn’t running with it in his hands when they saw

So the gun in his hand is ok?? How is everyone mad at the cops? They were responding to someone firing a gun into the air and he took off running as soon as they approached. Maybe he shouldnt have had a gun. Maybe he shouldnt have ran. Maybe he shouldnt have been firing a gun into the air. Maybe people shoudnt twist

Police officers are frequently shot at and in cases shot and killed by armed suspects that “were just running away”.  It’s funny how people on the left frequently cry “we need gun control” but then cry when someone that shouldn’t have a gun, who is using it and endangering the public, gets shot for refusing to be

Sadly nobody here will acknowledge your video, even though they’ll watch it, it doesn’t at all for the narrative so it will never be given the time of day. I see it though, the dude got what he asked for.

Or just regular people who like entry lux without the German headache. It is what it is, and it does it very well.