That sounds extremely depressing.
Nice comment. Compelling and rich.
The next thing I want to hear about Donald Sterling is his passing.
Wanabee rednecks. The death blow to civilization.
Just did a google search for Elizabeth Berkley naked and I can confirm she gets naked. A lot.
What's wrong with moose love, you bigot?
Maybe you should stop eating roadkill before you drink your beer?
You're piss with some extra malt. How'd ya like that?
Release parties are a reasonable response, in my opinion.
Shit, I need to work on that whole going to heaven thing then.
Nuh uh!
That was something else making your mouth feel sticky.......
We don't understand you so the feeling is mutual.
Yuengling? Go to hell and die.
Don't watch. Watching builds the machine.
Considering that EA tends to rush things to make a good quarterly report *cough*DA2*cough*ME3*cough*. I am okay with it being a ways off if that means we get a quality product.