
Like hit women?

Yet still spent billions.

"Ohhh, shit."

Also, leave your home address along with your daily schedule for.......reasons.

Bosh is a solid good player. But max money? That's a no good.

I see what you did there and LIKE it.

Cool Hand Luke would even disapprove.

You do realize that you are comparing two different sports right? I did live through the '90s Bulls.

Wow, talk about wasting energy, looking through my Kinja account. Boohoo people don't like your team. Get over it Heat boy.

Enjoy the suckfest, bro.

It's dance on corpse time, bro.

Feathers and warpaint on apes? Ugh that doesn't sound good.

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice

But how does it effect Tebow and his return to the NFL?


You can fit ten dicks in that mouth but the Heat will suck more than her.

It just feels right.

I guess my comment could be viewed differently than what I intended. And for that I apologize. My comment was meant to express that I really don't like the idea of Hollywood banking on Bible epics and really hope it doesn't become a thing. Like making every SH comic into a blockbuster. Just seems cynical.

Well, good luck with the whole wait and see approach. God help anyone who pays over $100 million for a pitcher.

Dooooon't Caaaare.