
How could I make the already garbage sightlines on this boxy POS worse and be a greater menace to everything and everyone around me? First, I put the Cybertruck’s suspension on its highest setting – extract mode. Then...

Messala out looking for Ben Hur...

That is a thousand times worse. It is actually painful to look at.

Nothing of value lost. And if they take a few billionaires out with them, GOOD.

The fact that it’s a bikini/Hooters-style shop is KIND OF IMPORTANT TO THE STORY, WRITER. At least in helping readers realize that the customer is, you know...that guy.

Buddy’s hat told me everything I needed to know about the situation. 

I’m guessing the price has less to do with the coffee and more to do with the service; if you look up this coffee shop’s insta it’s more of an alt-Hooters. So maybe it’s really about what he felt entitled to but didn’t get that set him off.

Could drinking 32 oz of coffee possibly contribute to why this dude is constantly at Rage DEFCON 1?  Good grief that’s a bit too much stimulation.

He essentially threatened to kill her. I’m cool with what she did. Was it a risk? Of course it was, but she must have been seething with rage after all she had been through from this guy in the past.

So many of these old memes go so hard, yet they are ignored.

Oh, yeah, and I knew that was the type of shit they were going to pull the instant I heard about them switching to a subscription model all the way back in ‘11 or ‘12. Their move to subscription-based was such an obvious ploy to (1) kill any delay/resale-based cottage markets and (2) fleece any customers who would be

I’m really enjoying all the new ways people are finding to break their Cybertrucks by subjecting them to what most people would call, “normal usage.

You assume they’re being honest about the number of times it will work. This is just enough CYA to let them escape liability even if it breaks on the first pull because you can’t prove how many times you have actually used it. And there are way too many examples of Tesla trying to weasel out of totally straightforward

No worries, I’m sure it only costs $2,000 to fix... after waiting 6 months for the parts.

Oh, great, the release cable can only be expected to work once. As if you have a problem with the cable/plug, it will only happen once.

People are pissed when Police seize clearly innocent peoples things. This is a different story. Repeatedly breaking the law with seemingly endless documentation, they could have and should have taken his car a long time ago.

Once SPD finishes up harassing minorities and the unhoused I’m sure this will be their top priority.

It’s not really clear what else the city can do at this point.

Yeah, but he’s also in the AF and there’s a possibility this could result in a letter of reprimand going into his file as a departure from good military bearing/professionalism.