
Go be a cunt somewhere else, universalamander.

Why would I fucking care? He’s not running for office or involved with a political administration in any way.

Also who fucking cares. Hunter Biden has never held or run for political office, or held any unelected position in his father’s administration.

Three huge surprises here:

“Crypto Industry” AKA “Drug Cartels” ,“Money Launderers”, “Grifters” and/or “Russian Oligarchs.”

Dear Crypto Bros: Your imaginary money isn’t worth wrecking the country for.

The conversation after the BJ/whatever when he realized they were stuck in his cruiser must have been interesting. 


The plan was to fuck her then renege on the deal he never intended to keep.

As of this writing, it doesn’t appear as though Hair is facing any charges related to the incident.

Cops should NOT be allowed to turn off bodycams under any circumstances.

say it with me kids: if you’re detained by police, you cannot consent to sexual activity. what’s it called when you perform sexual activities with someone who cannot consent? rape/sexual assault

I’m surprised the cops aren’t more pissed about how often those body cams just accidently and certainly-not-purposefully turn themselves off at just the wrong moment....

Now playing

I’m so shocked to learn this. So shocked.

Yes, you absolutely are warned about the exit row requirements and limitations at booking. If the seat is assigned at the airport, the agent will also make sure that you acknowledge that. And even once you have the boarding pass and are boarding the airplane, when they scan the pass it is flagged and you have to

Some people are just dumb. Sure, I’m gonna leave you all to burn, but I’m not gonna admit that upfront. That’s called depraved indifference murder, I’m gonna agree then bail when the going gets tough so my lawyer can claim that panic overtook me and I should get no jail time for it.

May all of the neo-Confederates like Rock be inflicted with the dysentery and privation that killed so many of their treasonous role models during the Civil War.

Kid: wow my cyber truck looks like ****!

Might be the single worst combination of words I’ve ever seen. 

Does this mean that a bunch of rednecks will stop seeing EVs as cultural genocide?