
Because they are trained to be dramatic little scared bitches?


I am guessing the cop was over reacting. if for no other reason than acab.

Why would the officer “attach himself to the car”? Seems highly unnecessary.

Don’t be a cunt, William.

You’re being ironic, right? Because the complete lack of logic in your statement defies reality.

guns being allowed but waters bottles being banned would be the peak of America

Only in America do we people such as yourself spouting off false information.  Turn off Faux News.

WHITE people who tried to bring guns through security were simply taken to the police station at the airport and either fined or given a citation

The US allows anyone and everyone in the world to cross our southern borders

The weakest minds are also the most armed and most dangerous.

All those Chicagoan’s are coming for them. They love to cite Chicago.

Oh absolutely. They’re convinced the criminals are going to come to their house in the middle of fucking nowhere to steal their $500 Sams Club tv.

The funny thing is that the maga manly guys I know that are always armed are never near a city or city center, or an airport except for that occasional flight to get drunk in Mexico. They just constantly live in fear because they live in the ignorance of the small world they live in where everyone is just like them. 

Imagine being so fragile and scared of the world that you need to bring a gun with you everywhere to feel tough and safe.

I’m just gonna leave this right here.

So instead of trying to cosplay as a modern day Tony Stark, he’s basically just a Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg.

I hope these people all got better jobs someplace else.

Where’s Ralph Nader’s heir?  Trends like this were why anti-lemon laws came to be a few decades ago.