
Calling it now....Dusty has an IMPRESSIVE collection of porn somewhere.

This dude seriously needs to get laid.

More like this.

a tech bro building a planned city on a bay on the california coast north of san francisco... it’s Night City.

they’re fucking building Night City.

This project is designed by some of our smartest and most eminent industrialists. The planned high tech community will include thousands of new jobs, copious entertainment, state of the art hospitals and even free child care including activities such as guided field trips to the aquarium (pictured below).

You did a “wait no, not like that” and you’re accusing me of being an edgy-teenage sloganeering unserious and unproductive critic?

The housing is in a corporate controlled company town. The electric cars explode. The communication network can be unilaterally shutdown on the whims of a single person whenever he gets his feelings hurt on social media. The spaceships explode.

This isn’t only terrifying on its face. It broadly cements the GOP’s complete disregard for a “democracy by the people, for the people” and their penchant for minority rule.

Even the Christo-fascists put money over their supposed values.

This is the only REASONABLE outcome. The prosecutor only went after her because she was Black. The nurse who reported her should not only be prosecuted, she should lose her license permanently. She has a complete lack of ethics as well as sympathy.

There are amazing nurses in the world and they deserve our praise. I don’t praise all nurses.

Unmanned missions had been sent to the Moon and its vicinity prior to Apollo, and they did include radiation detection equipment specifically to answer that question.  Among other things, it’s how we learned that the Van Allen Belts exist.  They knew enough by the time of Apollo to know the exposure was definitely

Warren Municipal Court Judge Terry Ivanchak ruled to move forward with the case against Watts, shrugging off the matter of “the exact legal status of this fetus/corpse/body/birthing tissue/whatever it is.”

Hey Kylie, how about booting the obvious troll? This isn’t a Spamfeller site anymore, you’re allowed to get rid of the trolls now.

Brilliant insight on what happens when you let one of the GOP try and explain their actions...a whole lotta verbal flailing while ignoring literally everything they have done (also known as the Donald Trump diarrhea mouth answer)

Because in America, kids get the cops called on them when they hang out outside.

Yeah, like, unless that shit was nothing but nuts you just gotta let the shower run, maybe hold the spray close.

Ivanka is standing next to her dad. There’s no more “significant other” for her than he is.


This just in: Elon Musk never intended to actually build his Hyperloop idea in California. He proposed it just to stop the high-speed rail project. That was news to me when Paris Marx, a technology writer from Canada, wrote about Musk for Time magazine and posted on Twitter Thursday. He quotes Musk’s official