
Oh no this one worked 100% of the times I used it, these guys are just gunning for the diabetes.

Ah yes, those powerful trans people. So oppressive with their insistence on, uh, existing.

Which means women who are in medical distress will have to wait until it becomes life threatening in order to get care. Fuck this bill and everyone who supports it. 

I was just talking to a woman this weekend who used to consider herself a Democrat but was currently supporting Republicans because “someone had to stand up to trans people! She was absolutely offended that I implied she supported racists & misogynists. She obviously supported racial minorities and reproductive

America does not give one flying fuck about its handicapped citizens.

meh, sometimes a 15 year old can just be an irredeemable POS

Eh,... I’ll weep for all the people who don’t get an opportunity to live their dream through no fault of their own. Then I’ll give sympathy to anyone who makes a mistake that doesn’t idolize fascism. Then if I have anything left, I’ll consider feeling bad about a Russian kid who is too stupid to avoid expressing his

To think of the stupid things I did at 15"

I was initially on the “awkward wave” team. But after watching the video, I can’t really see what else it is. And his laughing reaction afterwards strikes me very much as a 15 year old laughing that he just gave a Nazi salute on the podium and that someone else thought it was hilarious.

Oh god... he tried to compete using a loophole and then gets caught doing something stupid.  While apologizing for doing stupid thing, he manages to do something even more stupid.  I really hope SOMETHING here can be used as a learning experience for him because otherwise... I agree this would be a dumb way to throw

It would be a shame if that was the end of his career at 15.


Anyone who is disruptive should be banned from all airplanes for life.

Just fire the indictment cannons already!!! I cannot decide if NATO and the EU are bigger cucks than our very own Merrick Garland and Alvin Bragg, or if it is the opposite. Either way, I get nothing but limp dick energy from these fools who are letting evil, dangerous men get away with EVERYTHING.

It’s hard to believe that Kenan has been on SNL for 19 years because he hasn’t aged. I think Loren Michaels is setting Kenan up to take over the show when/if he retires.

Keemstar and Joe Rogan approving of anyone is a massive red flag IMO.

And if you started shouting in someone’s face like this in “tHe PuBlIc SqUaRe” you’d be told to GTFO.

I don’t know why anyone should cut him any slack. It’s his schtick, and no amount of “it was a bad day” can change that fact. If you started yelling shit like this dude in almost any business establishment someone would eventually ask you to leave. Why gamers think a digital version of that is any different is -

This has nothing to do with the “public square” - you sign up for YouTube, Twitch, or an online game, you agree to their Terms of Service. You violate the TOS, you suffer the consequences. End of story. If you don’t like it, don’t enter into a contract with a platform in the first place, or follow the rules you agreed

Now here’s an idea with some merit.