
The number of people in the American prison system for nonviolent, low-level drug offenses is estimated somewhere between 20,000-150,000+ depending on your data and definition, a criminal record that can make it difficult to find employment, housing, and just generally live a normal life on top of, you know, being in

People love to talk about legalizing weed, but to me, the far more important issues are legalizing assisted suicide and sex work. Help the people who are suffering, THEN worry about a legal high. 

With an attitude like his I’m genuinely surprised he has a wife.”

Thoughts and Prayers.

No. Like the comment below:
He’s a criminal.
A shallow, draft dodging coward, who thinks the luck he’s had equals wisdom.

He’s committing fraud by manipulating the stock market. Dude’s a criminal.

Elon is going to end up in prison. And it will be his fault.

What colossal, prolapsed asshole.

Musk needs to be held accountable for manipulating the market, as well as his other many shitty, shitty actions.

So lonely Moscow supermodel Tatyana doesn’t love me from afar because she saw my pic on MetaMeta?

Yes. And screw all the comparisons to BLM.

Stop calling it the “Freedom Convoy”. That gives it a veneer of respectability.

Unions are a good thing. Police unions are not.

Declare it an armed insurrection, respond accordingly.

China claimed it invented kimchi and the hanbok...? Jesus Christ.

I suspect that based on your comment that you ??maybe?? think that it is not normal behavior for 15-year-old girls to decide to take cardiac medications that are on the WADA banned substances list. Um, yeah.

People here in Korea were already angry enough to spit nails over the fact that China claimed they invented kimchi and the hanbok. The disqualifications has just infuriated everyone more.

Yeah, talking about calls to boycott these Olympics and implying that they are only about Peng Shuai seems delightfully naive. As a Canadian, I will add: kidnapping our citizens and imprisoning them in deplorable conditions anytime China gets a bit pissy about something we did that displeases them.

I expect the IOC will penalize Russia by awarding them the 2032 Summer Games.