
Dolly Parton gives so much to her community.

^^^ THIS is what it means to be “Christian”. Not that bullshit warped thing that American religion has become which is really just a sad excuse for bigotry and hatred.

Angels walk among us

Fuck the white trash republicans, penalize them.

But my crazy, unhinged former friend from high school can post all the pandemic misinformation she wants.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: modern Sterling videos let me imagine what it’d be like if Elton John reviewed video games, and I absolutely mean that as a compliment.

Who do you think is funding this? It ain’t Canadian trucker’s savings?

Not really fair to just call them “Christians”. They are a minority part of Christianity in the US, the fundamentalist/evangelical part that is actually not fundamentalist at all. It includes the “Prosperity Gospel” churches whose message is also the opposite of any messages of Jesus.

What’s the cross-section of Conservative/Christian/Nazi?”

He seems to exist in this weird limbo where he’s convinced everyone that he secretly supports what they support without ever being so explicit.

Given the context, it’s hard to imagine how anything she says at this point could be taken at face value. She’s in an authoritarian state, and presumably she’s going to say what she has to in order to survive.

It’s nice to see the US does not have a monopoly on morons.

Still not enough.

Terrifying. She is being disappeared in plain sight 

Fuck, just hire a carpenter to work with the paleontologists to dismantle the fucking thing.

...hard hit marine sector...

Most countries have treaties that say “You acknowledge our copyrights and trademarks, and we’ll acknowledge yours.” Most countries in the world have these treaties with each other, the only real outliers are China (duh) and Russia, and whoever is hosting Pirate Bay this week.


“Hard hit marine sector”

What are you even on about? Every boat builder and marina is going absolutely nuts right now, they’ve never had more work or money ever before.

Its amazing Japan is seemingly run by neanderthals who refuse to get with the god damn times already. Its like executives have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the information age.