
What is also weird is that Comey didn’t leak classified information? At least as far as I can understand?

Trump has also pardoned two men convicted of mishandling classified data in the past month, Scooter Libby and a Navy submariner.

Dude, Haggis is the inedible organs of a sheep boiled with oatmeal, stuffed into the sheep’s stomach and boiled again. Scotsmen originally created it as a joke on the English, but now we’re stuck with it. However, WE don’t expect you to eat the stuff! How about a nice serving of Rumbledethumps*?

...or an impressionist’s view of a Klan rally.

The echocardiogram of the nation.

Donald Trump told a story about how he signed the first half of his name (“Donald”) before reading what he was signing

THANK YOU for including Ophiuchus! That is MY constellation.

I came here ready to mock the hell out of Ryan for writing about astrology but this shit seems so thorough with such ass-kicking images that I totally lost it.

Don’t you find the same to be true of almost all conservatives? I’s like they don’t have a funny bone in their body. They hardly even have any comedians, and most of their comedians are *terrible*.

For the sake of family peace I had to have dinner with a Trump supporter. Politics was not discussed until he brought it up. When I made a mild rebuttal to one his blanket statements, he put his hands over his ears. He put his hands over his ears. He literally put his hands over his ears. Fortunately, the next

Agreed. Tell CNN to quit interviewing Kelly Anne Conjob. She is heinous.

B - successful

Not just black but a successful, smart and powerful liberal black woman. That is bingo for racists.

Well there is a simple answer for you.

There’s a certain symmetry to her actions, considering that her father is ALSO a serial womanizer who’s constantly been an asshole to her family.

I wonder what she thought of the Cosby verdict since she’s cool with paying off mistresses?

The ability of the American Right to miss the point of any discussion that makes them look bad is truly truly impressive. Most of the time they’re intentionally missing the point, of course: it’s basically a performance-art version of “im 12 and what is this.” They’ve learned that their voters/followers/sycophants

Money is one hell of a drug.

I am so fucking sick of this shit. Mainstream and prominent conservatives endlessly mocked Michelle Obama for having the audacity to look good while wearing fairly moderate sleeveless dresses and wanting to ensure children ate well! They both intimated as well as outright called her a man and a monkey/ape! Those that

she’s pathetic - publicly defending a serial womanizer who’s constantly been an asshole to her own family...all while her father is dying...what a great daughter.