
It’s just another indication to me that this series should been set post-Voyager, then they could just do whatever they wanted without constraints regarding TOS designs.

When all this is over I hope Sarah Huckster Sanders is unemployable forever.

Truly, is there anything more American than two mediocre white people failing up?

That last picture of Sanders and Bolton...I can’t.

Kudos to Troy Brisard and Kirk O’Quinn - the two coaches who came forward and let Klein know about the other coaches’ disgusting comments/plan.

When I played little league, we had a girl on our team who was absolutely better than all of the boys in the entire league. I remember the only thing I was pissed about was that she didn’t have to wear a cup.

They don’t see it because they don’t want to.

Sometimes the enemy of your enemy is still an asshole.

This isn’t about sanitising the past, it’s about looking at it wholistically. I find most people with a black white view of that situation have a very basic Wikipedia summary understanding of the circumstances.

I really REALLY want this to become a huge deal.

Fuck Rob Manfred and the MLB for allowing this shit.

So here’s the problem with Kinja. AlmightyHamSandwich selflessly provided the setup, and Norm Charlatan delivered the punchline, which is great. But Norm gets all the stars and AHS gets far fewer. By all means, people, give Norm a star, but don’t forget the other half of the comic duo!

Just play my “My country tis of thee”

Shouldn’t the Marlins play ‘God Save the Queen’ instead of the National Anthem before every game?

You’d think with all of the unspoken rules in baseball, surely one would be ‘you should have your corporate headquarters in the municipality that you’ve cheated out of resources for years and years.’

You’re really rooting for Mueller who probably has Trey Gowdy’s nuts in a vise for his own dirty shenanigans during the Benghazi bullshit.

Eggggs- zactly. from the mouth of babes...

Destiny’s Child even half as bad as Destiny’s Child

Not yet. Jeets is not done f—king them.