
This is why I, as a hetero woman, can’t look at hetero porn anymore. I keep seeing things mid act that make me squint at the screen and roll it back six times like... did she really consent to that?

I remember the incident when it originally came out, but for it reach the litigation level is pretty major. Not wrong, but it is a big moment in the industry and it will be even more interesting if more people will come out against Brazzers, which is one of the biggest sites out there.

She can still shill catheters, pyramid schemes and expired MREs repackaged as “Survival Meals”.

Getting sent to a Siberian labor camp for dissenting against one-party communist authoritarian rule = having your advertisers run away from your cable television show because you have objectively abhorrent points of view.

She does; her viewers don’t, and she and the Network know that.

That’s the Fox News grift in a nutshell: Tell idiots whatever reinforces their current prejudices and make bank off it. Sure, you’ve gotta be kinda morally bankrupt but that’s nowhere near as high of a bar to clear as we wish it was, let’s be honest. If

How was Laura Ingraham silenced? I thought she was on a “previously scheduled vacation” with her kids? Maybe it’s that free-market capitalism that she holds so dear (along with the guns). Sucks to be you Laura. Deal with it.

You just know that she was furious at Hogg and probably blamed him for her advertisers pulling out, and not the fact that she mocked a teenager who survived a school shooting for not getting into a few colleges. But she knows better to say anything more against him and is placing the blame on the “liberal PC agenda”

Oh yeah, right above the “right to discriminate against other people’s rights because they are gay or brown or not your religion”.

“Their efforts are Stalinist,” she said. “We will never relent and we will never give in.”

Ah, yes, the lesser known “right to ad revenue” clause in the First Amendment.

Tv host with law degree doesn’t know how 1st Amendment works. Fun times.

Well, they can move against any assets he does happen to have. There’s a possibility - real I am not a lawyer talk here - that she could force him to pay out a pretty big amount of money over time even if he declares bankruptcy, since creditors can challenge the discharge of certain debts related to malicious and

Yeah, I read that as the prosecutor asking Cosby if taking Benadryl would make him sleepy, and Cosby admitting it would and by extension that he knew it would make someone else sleepy if he gave it to them.

“Meh, I didn’t like any of STD really...”

Um, how is he a hero when he drugged and raped young black women?! Because what you’re doing is prioritising the unearned reputation of a black man over the lives of black women.

What planet are you from? Be honest.

How much of a real hero was he (vs just the only representation around) though given a large part of his post Cosby show fame came from his trashing of ‘urban youths’ and his non threatening sweatshirt dad appearance.

The justice system in America is designed to benefit people with wealth. Nothing will happen to Cosby because we love money more than justice. Luckily we do have millions of poor people to convict of crimes and lock away to pay for the burden of the rich.

It’s the logic of “I don’t speak that language. This must be inconvenient for everyone.”

Yes, I remember how upset everyone was about this obscure show, Breaking Bad, which had long scenes, sometimes the bulk of an episode, in Spanish. I’m surprised anyone would try it again after that show tanked so badly.