

She is the worst and even people who work at Fox News think so. There was a recent story about how Jesse Watters had to disclose an affair he was having with a 25-year-old employee on his show after his wife filed for divorce. The employee was subsequently reassigned to Ingraham’s show which, according to a source, is

Your dick is so small you pee on your balls. Go back to eating peanut butter off your dog’s asshole, shitbird. :)

Omg. All that work to not just say firefighters. Wtf.

And tax records.

‘It’s Not a Fucking Accident’

Unconfirmed reports is the flaming debris consisted of campaign documents requested by the special council.

Hogg is even saying she didn’t apology to that basketball player she insulted. Come on. This woman earned this.

Why are so many people defending this woman?

Yeah people need to stop pretending he’s anything but a hypocritical contrarian.

Bill Maher is trash.

As a Tribe fan, these people are the worst. I removed my Wahoo decals and started only buying gear without the Chief pretty much right after I went to opening day and saw those protesters. Literally the only argument I ever needed, and should ever be needed.

I only got ejected once in high school but I preempted it. Summer league basketball I (clearly, come on) got fouled and no call. Of course the whole gym goes silent for whatever reason and I yelled—screamed really—what the fuck! in the general direction of the ref. I didn’t even wait for the whistle. I just walked out

Do they ever show the Aliens/Monsters and explain why their hearing is so selective? If not, I am not going. :)

I will take every opportunity presented to me to rage about her hideous fucking dress. I can still feel my disappointment like a knife!

Also, Blane was a dick. And misspelled.

There are a ton of movies in this category. Animal House and Revenge of the Nerds are the rapiest fucking movies ... and I thought both of them were cool and hilarious when I was a kid.

What makes you think McGregor wasn’t paid to fuck up this event? The UFC doesn’t seem to be going after him very hard.

Let me just say I’m surprised by the high membership of the pro-steak fries contingency. I have misjudged.