
He used to work for Rahm Emanuel so this is also political for him. And Rahm obviously taught him how to fight dirty (if only he would teach the rest of the fucking democratic party the same thing, we’d be all good.)

He comes across as a little oily, a little anxious to score some of that sweet settlement money regardless of his client, a little underhanded, a bit of a bully, a bit disinginuous, etc.

This gif is hilarious.

Trump irl

EXACTLY. He will have a meltdown, and it will be epic, and although he won’t be impeached, he will certainly be remembered for it (amongst the ever-growing list of daily fails).

“Mr. President, during the following two hours you will not be considered president”

Wait a second...his gun loving, pro-birth-racist base also hates women? /s

I keep getting a John Travolta vibe from him.

I don’t know if Michael Avenatti is any good at his job or not, but he certainly *looks* like the kind of lawyer who would tear someone to pieces in court. Steely dead eyes. A jaw designed to bite through steel. A head too no-nonsense for more than a hint of hair.

The AP reports that Avenatti wants to depose the president and his attorney for “no more than two hours”

I work in a bookstore and we go through this every year with the SI swimsuit issue. Since it’s a bestseller, they want it displayed at the front checkout, but that sends all the pearl clutchers into conniptions of “But the children!” Or at least they claim it’s about the children and definitely not about their

Michael Avenatti is fast becoming my favorite lawyer ever. All he does all day is go on the cable shows Trump watches and troll the shit out of him on an hourly basis. Someday, in the brand new Resistance Plaza in D.C. (after the coming purge), Avenatti will get his own memorial statue. 

The brilliance of this move is just awe-inspiring.

That was actually my fault, sorry! I dismissed his reply to me. There were so many salty men in my notifications this morning. Seriously, more than 10 men trying to mansplain feminism and “the real problems” to me.

It’s going to be really funny if this turns out to be the thing that brings him down. Not collusion with the Russians, not his total lack of qualifications, not his disastrous policy “ideas”, but the fact that he and his lawyers were incompetent in trying to pay someone to keep quiet about an affair that happened a

Since a male commenter named brit on the side decided to delete his comment after getting replies from myself and Rude Negro, an action which pretty much made my entire point for me, I will recreate as best as I can the conversation for those who are tired of male commenters coming in here and telling us what we need:

If you are a rock star at a certain level you don’t have to hide it. Nikki Sixx and Tommy Lee have openly bragged about fucking underage girls. Same with Mick Jager.

People have been. No one particularly cares because he’s preying on WOC.

He didn’t/doesn’t have to hide it better. He’s abusing black girls. US society at large doesn’t give AF about black girls.

Fuck the misogyny that created this sham of a male. Fuck the pulpy at-right edgelording neckbeard bitches on the rings of this fucking cultural splash.