
They might need

And the White House is desperate that Trump doesn’t talk to Mueller for too long, in case he says anything stupid. I don’t think you can shorten a meeting sufficiently to eliminate that possibility:

Considering how Obama’s last SCOTUS appointment went, I can’t say I blame RBG for saying, “FUCK IT. I’m in for the long haul!”

The dipshit white voters who threw a hissy fit about Bernie? Fuck them.

“A total WITCH HUNT with massive conflicts of interest!”

No wealthy woman will feel the impact of this law: no affluent Republican woman, including the wives, daughters, mistresses, girlfriends, and one night stands of pro-life Republican politicians, will feel the impact of this law.

I want Mississippi to be the safest worst place in America for an unborn child women.

Interesting how these right wingers love to extend constitutional definitions as wide as possible when it comes to the second amendment, but it when it comes to abortion, they pretty much don’t care what the Supreme Court has said about its constitutionality.

And real estate developers.

Farrow. (Sorry to be so nit-picky: the guy does good-to-great journalism and his name should be correct.)

I believe ‘privet’ (привет) is the common vernacular.

“This just goes to show that none of you learned the most basic lesson in medicine, medicine 101, that you should have learned in your first week: don’t trust your patient”

Never forget that Taylor and/or her team comes out swinging regarding everything when her name is she mentioned except regarding the Neo-nazis... yeah.

Taylor Swift is an amazing musician and a better person.

Hi Taylor!!!

10s, perhaps 100s of thousands of households in America have guns in easily accessible spots where kids can get them and injure themselves and others.

One of our most defining traits, welcome to the United States.

Obviously we need to start arming the 13-year-old girls.

Catholic girls start much too late.

You guys, my sister has just become a full-fledged card-carrying member of the Catholic Church and I have very mixed feelings about it. She was a notorious party-girl type and lived quite a full life and has the emotional and mental scars to prove it. She’s always been a bit of a lost soul who tried on personalities