
My mental health has actually improved pretty dramatically after cutting off all digital activities at 8PM. No opportunity to fall down rabbit holes of other people’s bullshit on social media/blog comment sections etc. Plus I’m sleeping like 9 hours a night and it is amazing (also good for my mental/overall health)

As long as you’re not hurting yourself, there’s no such thing as wrong! This column is all about doing what’s right for you.

And his Chicken Protection Counsel is made up of foxes, a coyote and one very nightmarish wolverine.

Oh, look! *45's regime is doing something cruel, destructive, and hateful. Gosh, that’s so unlike anything they’ve done!... in the last... six minutes or so, anyway.

If hoping all big game hunters get eaten by said big game is wrong, I don’t want to be right.

I’m beginning to suspect that there might be something nefarious going on with this administration. Just a hunch.

I feel way more than slightly ill. I’m utterly disgusted and outraged. I find people in support of this to be absolutely reprehensible. And I’m utterly exhausted by feeling like I’m screaming into a void of people that cannot give even a second of a shit about anything outside of “my guns, the Military, and coal!”

Burn them all with fire. For fucks sakes. Horrible wastes of air. Trohpy hunting is a fucking pathetic excuse for making yourself feel important. Especially those who pose with their kill for a photo op. Fuck you. May whatever youre hunting get you first.

The nerve has been punched too many times. I no longer have the ability to feel outraged or upset. I am just numb and tired.

Oh there’s a third kid who seems to be the least awful, but she still raised money for herself and her wedding directly after her brother went on a race fueled killing spree.

There’s also an older sister who right after the shooting took to GoFundMe begging people to pay for her wedding and honeymoon expenses because she claimed the media attention forced her to cancel her wedding.

She can’t spell, she’s racist, and she’s using social media to spout nonsense. Remind you of anyone?

Yea, these people shouldnt be breeding. In all seriousness though...since Dylann was 21 and not living at home (correct me if I’m wrong) when he committed his crime, I assume social services wouldn’t have a legal leg to stand on to investigate the parents, even if the parents are obviously pieces of shit. Since Morgan

I didn’t know he had a sibling. What she said enrages my spirit. Wishing that the kids that walked out would get shot speaks to how racist she has clearly been raised. I sincerely hope she is able to be reformed, but sadly, that’s hiiiiighly unlikely.

These parents definitely don’t know how to raise the Roof(s).

I can only imagine what Mr. and Mrs. Roof must be like if their both of their kids are such trash. Sometimes good parents produce a bad apple through no real fault of their own, but two racist children with violent tendencies don’t happen by accident.

Mr and Mrs Roof are clearly doing a great job. (/s if it’s necessary).

She can’t spell, she’s racist, and she’s using social media to spout nonsense. Remind you of anyone? #covfefe

Rex, is that you?

That feels like someone bending over backwards to find something vaguely similar to the shit in Trump’s head. For this to be what he’s talking about, he would have had to learn about Japan’s safety testing procedures at some point in his life (no chance), remember it (no chance), then make up something barely