
My friends made these magnets. They are on my fridge. I love them so.

I wish he had been aborted.

Don’t forget the people who didn’t vote!

I was a kid when Reagan was President, and despised him. I wasn’t even sure why, since my father had his head so far up Reagan’s ass he always smelled like dusty shit. I must have just intuited how evil Reagan was.

I make a point of telling my nephews “This isn’t normal. I’ve never seen a President act anything like this.”

Guess we’ll have to step it up for them in their stead. I’ll do my part here;

My four year old calls him “poopy man.” I approve of the air quotes. A touch classier.

My husband and I make an effort to say something negative (or even just accurate) about President Trump in front of our 5 year old every day. I don’t want there to be any question in his mind, when he’s old enough to look back, that we hated Trump and disagreed with the direction he steered this country in.

to be fair, Chuck Todd is a hack

Yes, this so much. “Bad Faith” has been the GOP philosophy for so many years. Trump is the culmination of that philosophy\strategy. After he’s gone, don’t expect some sea change in GOP operating procedure, either.

Exactly. This shit ISN’T FUCKING HELPING, CHUCK TODD. This is what Trumpo wants.

At this point I cannot engage with 40% of the country, if I try I am going to lose it. 

You are raising her right.

What people do not understand about this administration is that you cannot engage with people or respect people that act in bad faith. I think some intellectuals think that you can just peacefully engage a person and change their minds.

As she should.

“I bring my kids up to respect the office of the presidency and the president.”

Fuck that. My 6-year-old uses air quotes with “President” anytime she says his name.

Doctors do seem to hand opioids out like candy and I know plenty of people who avoid them like the plague for acute pain after medical procedures (myself included) because they’re scared shitless even if there’s no family history of drug addiction.

This might be callous of me to admit but I can’t help but be fascinated when I hear all this ballyhoo about opioids and think how different the narrative was, just a few years prior, when the public believed it was only black people facing the business end of a national drug problem. I covered an opioid awareness

How many times do we have to learn that this man is completely full of shit? He’ll say anything to anyone if they’re sitting in front of him then backtrack later.