
Her ‘logic’ such as it is, is that she thinks she can hide behind the shield of being a presidential child that would have protected Barron, or Sasha and Malia Obama. She ignores that she’s an adult, that she chose to be an administration official, and she’s on a trip as a representative of our government, and

If you’re going to reap the benefits of nepotism, you’d better be ready to weather the drawbacks.

I don’t think his portrait has to be there. It’s a custom not a rule. His portrait will go in the basement, right behind tricky dick, and Hoover.

The fact that her father has said exponentially more inappropriate things about her notwithstanding, if you’ve positioned yourself as a voice of reason and a vocal advocate of #metoo AND your father is, ostensibly, the fucking President AND you, ostensibly, represent the United States on the world stage AND YOUR

It’s certainly dented, and the varnish is gone, also there’s going to be a weird smell for a while. But some of the damage can make it ‘vintage’, just need to find the right woman to fix it up.

I didn’t play the clip yet, just read her remark and oh my god, could she sound any more smug? Played the clip, apparently yes.

Other inappropriate questions that can’t be asked:

That ‘sexy secret’ tone of voice is even more inappropriate than usual.

“Everyone should realize that the fact that Trump’s portrait will hang in the white house for as long as there is an America means that no matter what we may achieve in the future, it will always be tainted and tarnished. In a fundamental way, this country is permanently ruined.” 

She wants it both ways. She wants to lecture everyone about subjects she chooses and then wants to dodge questions she doesn’t want to answer. You can’t be a political advisor AND the daughter. You gotta pick one.


“I don’t think that’s a question you would ask many other daughters.”

only rotten part of the Olympics was her stupid, complicit face at the closing ceremony.

Is he patting her down for weapons?

Inappropriate y’say..........

How to change that? Don’t buy items from online venfors who ship using Fedex and TELL THEM why. Ask if they can use a different shipper. Hitting these guys in the wallet is the only thing they care about. They don’t give a damn about human life.

Before LaPierre the NRA was for hunters and people who liked the outdoors. They didn’t push how you need a gun for self-defense or how any gun legislation was a threat to our second amendment rights. I remember when Bush 41 cancelled his NRA membership because the NRA referred to federal law enforcement as “jack

This feels like a movement that is not going away; it has legs.