
My wife is a prolific and savage blanket thief!

My boyfriend is one of these maniacs who I lovingly(??) refer to as a Messy Sleeper™. He’s also a blanket thief so two strikes right there.

I toss and turn and roll like anybody! I just do these things, uh, beneath the sheet, instead of to the sheet.

Historic crowds <—- therefore a good guy, if you’re Trump

I have feelings about #2. As an atheist I have issues with declaring our countries motto as “In god we trust” and letting Graham lay in state in the rotunda.

All good advice. I’d add a few things.

Fuck Billy Graham.

Actually, being a human statue whose covers DON’T end up on the floor is the thing that is weird. Are there actually more than a few human beings out there who don’t toss and turn and move around in their sleep??

“The White House was on lockdown after a woman hit a security barrier near the White House complex perimeter with a vehicle.”

His amazing use of grammar, syntax, and punctuation is really on display in that tweet.

I think most kids get access to guns through adults. I think people could make a “constitutional” argument that people become citizens at 18/have to register for the draft and therefore depriving them of the right to bare arms is a violation. The problem here was that you couldn’t buy a pistol until 21, but you could

1. Rick Scott: “I want to make it virtually impossible for anyone who is a danger to themselves or others to use a gun.”

It’s a red herring. In most states, age limits on gun purchase are already in place. Where things get more fuzzy is that adults are allowed to purchase guns and gift them to minors (ostensibly for hunting); I very well could be mistaken but they do not seem to be touching on this aspect.

During the Pulse shooting, police were outside for hours until they could get a handle on the situation. I imagine that this SRO didn’t know what to do and was also afraid and also didn’t know what to expect when they entered the building. The shooter escaped by blending in with other students, so it’s not like it

Can someone tell me what proper police procedure is for a school shooting? Because waiting for backup when you hear assault weapons seems prudent. What the Hell would he be running into? One guy? Three guys? How good was visibility?

Top sheet, then fleece blanket, then thin knit blanket, then quilt. It sits on me like a ton of bricks and it’s like heaven.

Yeah, what’s this shit about “inefficient” sleeping? You’ve got three ever-heavier layers. Get hot? Peel back the comforter or duvet. Next, blanket. Lastly, sheet (but I seldom get THAT hot during the night. Turn up the A/C, cheapskates).

Dual covers is the way to go. My life changed for the better when traveling to Denmark and seeing every bed using 2 single duvets on the bed. One for each person, fucking brilliant. Now my mountain bred neanderthal sweaty body can have a light cover and my girlfriends desert bred semi frozen body can have some

Ok, I’m a restless sleeper. I turn over a lot. My top sheet is literally never on the floor, or anywhere other than over me when I wake up. If your top sheet ends up on the floor, it’s clearly because you suffer from some kind of night terrors and are thrashing like an insane person in your sleep.