
Oh Christ, we’re going to have an aircraft carrier named for him, aren’t we? It’s gonna be the biggest, most luxurious CVN in the fleet. It’ll be yuge, folks, and it’s gonna patrol the South Gina Sea. Believe me.

I fly a Calico Jack flag on a RHIB and I am getting yelled at in the goat locker. These fuckers fly it on the sub and its all “Hey history! Fun time news from the Navy!” Such horseshit. I was not REALLY going to pillage the yacht.

So, when Trump is impeached, thrown out, or people have generally had enough of his shit , will they name a submarine after him or just call it “The sinking sub”.

Other accounts of the return to port having it going something like this.

12 years was probably long enough to earn the title: *First Class* Petty Officer Dickhead...

Successful booze run?

My uncle was on USS Halibut back when they were tapping communication cables running through Soviet harbors. He never said what they did, only that it was “spy stuff”. It was only much, much later that I learned of their missions via books and the internet. Submariners are a notoriously, and proudly, tight-lipped

No need, the Navy’s stellar year in the news is plenty enough.

Disclaimer: 12 years Active Duty Navy service. So that’s (former) Petty Officer Dickhead to you.

These days, at least this year, a US Navy Ship returning to home port under her own power and not having rammed another ship or ran aground is enough to fly a “Mission Successful” banner....

“Oh, that. Yeah, the Skipper flies it whenever he gets laid in port call.” had me until Double Dragon Neon. Plus - no titties. Gotta have da titties.

Disabling your own chat doesn’t stop the toxic players from being toxic in the next game, or the game after that. I’ve been in plenty of games where people start insulting other players and don’t stop even if they get no response from them. The old “ignore the trolls and they’ll go away” just doesn’t work.

It’s the question of anonymity. You’d never see this when you played in person because 1.) you picked the people you played with and 2.) if someone was shitty you just wouldn’t play with them anymore. It would be fantastic if toxic players were cordoned off to their own little section of Overwatch so everyone else

I think this didn’t happen in arcades because if you said the stuff in person people say online a group of people would have dragged you into the alley out back & pummeled you. Internet Anonymity is the reason people get this way.
As for overblown? I played a ton of Diablo 1 back in the day but played exactly one

Counter solution - stop with the weak-handed penalties for toxicity, racism, etc and just outright ban people on the first offense with verifiable evidence.

Solution: remove the ability for players to track their own and others’ stats.

You have limits in design - we’re not spit-balling on napkins in study hall.

Bangle is a shockingly underrated designer with surprisingly few misses to his name, and to be honest, he’s right. With only a few exceptions, car design has gotten super stale and boring. Not everything he did was good, but it was all original.

Nipples? That’s burying the lede. Waxing. TONS. OF. WAXING.