
Every person I know who’s met Bill Clinton says the exact same thing: that he is like charisma personified; he controls any room he walks into. Even people who hated him politically would gush about him after meeting him.

Why oh whyyyyyy did I watch those!!! I guess I enjoy torturing myself. Obamas, I miss you sooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!! To think we once had a president who didn’t make everything about himself. Who loved kids and was empathetic and inspiring and encouraging. The differences between this man and our current

You know what they say, largest hands largest margin of vic...oh fuck

That little baby saying “Barack Obama” in the last video has me in tears. I miss this President so much.

Those videos are adorable. It’s so nice to see how happy and excited the kids are. Obama just radiates joy, light and positivity. While, he should not be named, is a black hole. I would love to meet him.

“Kelly was spotted aiming a pistol at his head and muttering, ‘No. Not yet.’”

“Upon seeing the video Trump immediately stripped federal funding from McKinley Technology High School because “no Kenyan is going be more yuge than me” he proclaimed while Ivanka nodded enthusiastically and Mr Ryan raised a thumbs up from his place beneath the Resolute desk. Chief of Staff Kelly notably stood to the

I’m still nursing my disappointment that Amy Adams isn’t playing TH. She’s a hella good actor and dude, google-image the two names and whoa, twinsies:

Friendly reminder that Sebastian Stan is playing Jeff Gillooly in the Tonya Harding movie!

I can’t help but wonder if it’s about jealously more than anything else. Because KUWTK took the basic formula that the The Osbournes pioneered (AFAICT), ran with it, and made orders of magnitude more money than they ever did. And there were rumors a couple of years ago that Sharon wanted to try and revive the show.

That’s too close to Amber Rose’s shtick for Kimmy’s taste.

Could this divide just generational? My mother (early 60-something) taught me (early 30-something) about feminism from an early age—and her perspective on this (being overtly sexual) is exactly the same as Sharon’s. My thought is that when you came of age in a time when you were expected to be sexual (but nice, pliant

Team No One.

It’s not as if Osbourne has ever been an outspoken feminist herself, so WTF. If she just wanted to slag off the Kardashians, why bother? They thrive on the attention.

also,I’m not sure what’s so feminist about dragging Christina Aguila every chance you can because your grown ass daughter had beef with her in 2003.

Exclusion seems a dominant human tendency

It’s inevitable. Always much more fun to critique and express faux-concern about someone else’s body than simply stick to micro-managing your own.

They will be in the email in the message I didn’t see till recently (because even though I have perfect pitch, I am nearsighted, LOLsigh).

Subsidized wheat, sugar, and corn.

Hang the clothes on a wire frame mannequin and let CGI do the rest. That takes care of photo shoots, then they’ll only ‘need’ models to walk for the glitterati in New York and Paris.