
Never forget.

I’m betting on this. Americans are not showing signs of getting smarter and no one kills a bad president.

I dont see it. You think the same people waiving Nazi flags who love trump are going to turn out for Kushner and Ivanka? They dont have Trumps charisma, like him or not. They wont get the ratings on tv and thus wont get the free publicity. The GOP establishment wont back them and the dems wont welcome them back.

Trump’s base isn’t voting for a Jew to be President or VP.

Every time I look at Kushner, this is the first picture that I think of.

He looks ok in his profile picture at least:

You’re overlooking the other possibility, perhaps because it is too horrible: That Trump gets reelected in 2020 and they run on a 2024 ticket.

they’ll have their money and their good looks, but the respect of virtually no one.

Sex? With Kushner? You think she would be cheating on daddy like that?

If there is a scenario in which they are able and supported by enough people to become a viable ticket in 2020, then that means Trump was pushed out and/or considered too toxic for a re-run.

Looking at that picture, I tried to imagine them having sex and all I could come up with was this...

I agree with Trump making MAGMA. Make magma flow all over the world until it is nothing but a burnt husk. Let the magma burn away all signs of man. Curse the magma as it marches across our lands. Watch the magma consume those that anger it, those that disobey it. This is the future we deserve.

You’re really not going to like it when they run for President on a ticket together in a few years.


Great verses you pulled there.


Not all that absurd. I remember looking at maps of potential fallout with my friends during the Reagan years and thinking about where we might have to go, if we even could.

So I say this as a practicing Jew (so I’m not knocking religion at all) - but this kind of nonsense shows this type of con man for who he really is - not someone who actually has faith, but someone who only wants to use his followers for what he can get out of them.