
they did ask me to take my bracelet off, but it is jade and getting it on was enough of a hassle, so i kept that shit on and took my chances!

I think the issue here is that someone has gotten in Sexy Star’s head (possibly Sexy Star herself) in thinking that she’s a mega-star of some kind and she’s the draw.

They stripped Taya of the belt because Star basically demanded it upon returning (which is what I understand from the timeline). Then she pulls this shit

Maybe it’s because I was yelled at about it one too many times in gym classes, but I was mostly surprised you were allowed to keep your bracelet and watch on. Is that jade? Those are a bitch to take off.

Plus, Michelle has more elegance and brains in her pinky finger than Melana-ho or Kim Kskank.

Yeah, what is up with that shit? The whole Jackie thing is bad enough without her Rachel Dolezaling on top of it.

You’re goddamned right Michelle Obama was, is and shall be our First Lady. Accept no substitutes!

And it energizes the gung ho bad cops. The good cops don’t want anything to do with that shit, because they know it makes their jobs harder when they act like military.

Yep. Like when the police force in my town brought out their Bearcat in response to a woman who barricaded herself in her house and said she would kill herself. Of course, when she saw the SWAT team and armored vehicles, she did kill herself. Way to de-escalate and protect public safety!

Hard pass.

They just love having reasons to trot out the big hardware.

That’s what the Republicans and their voters want. They cream their pants at the idea of a cop moseying up to a suspect, putting two in their chest, and calling it a day. They’ve seen so many terrible action movies, cop shows, and Fox News segments on all the “dangers” just outside their door, that it’s come to this.

Jesus Hoverboarding Christ! Even as police forces are learning anew that showing up to tense scenes in polo shirts and slacks has a de-escalating effect, Donny Two-Scoops decided to just throw a nest of hornets into the learning that’s actually taking place.

American police have always been the enemy of anyone not rich and white tbh, from their origins in runaway slave patrols to the present day.

They could at least put the same training and physical requirements on cops as they do soldiers if you’re going to give them military surplus. But that would also require them to set up a universal training curriculum for police forces and we all know something rational like that won’t happen.

No good can come of this. I have said this before, but I will keep saying it for as long as I have to. Militaries need enemies to justify their existence. When you militarize the police, the police will look for enemies. They aren’t going out to fight other police forces, so citizens become the enemy.

“The executive order the President will sign today will ensure that you can get the lifesaving gear that you need to do your job and send a strong message that we will not allow criminal activity, violence, and lawlessness to become the new normal,”

Brienne and Tormund 4 lyfe!

[Signs with Patriots]

What, and run the risk he takes out THEIR guys? Nah.

Pacman Jones is currently serving a 1-game suspension stemming from charges he received from his FOURTH spitting-on-a-woman incident. His spot on the team is not in jeopardy, so I’m going with “never.”