
In boxing, the Mexican style is basically walking straight forward, cutting off the ring at the corners, and leading with power shots. It means you are willing to eat jabs, basically.

Those predictions were coming from people who have not watched Floyd Mayweather fight, I guess. The knowledgeable predictions I read and heard were that if Floyd wanted to, he could knock Conor out early, but that, being Floyd Mayweather, he would string McGregor along until they’d both outlasted all the actual risk

Mostly this is a fine comment, but I have to correct you on the “guy who had a strong punch” bit: McGregor looked to be the lightest-hitting boxer I’ve seen in a long time. Like, Malingaggi-soft. Feather fisted. By the fourth round Mayweather was walking straight through his punches and barely even bothering to move

After 49 fights of pretty much giving up the first 2 rounds is it really all that surprising of a start? Floyd sacrifices early to run them down and picks apart tired bodies, it’s been the same fight plan for a decade now.


It was dumb. It was predictable. It was clearly won by Mayweather.

Ya. I saw that. It’s really a racist weekend isn’t it?

Yessssssss! Just had to blast some idiot about this. All these mean-well white folk saying this is equivalent to the “many sides” Trump bullshit and “Will somebody, please, think of the white people”. No. White people gonna be alright even when outed as racists so what the fuck makes you think they aren’t gonna be

Absolutely. You’re right. Doxxing is dangerous. I mean it literally when I say that this is not doxxing. This is a more effective version of milk cartons and wanted posters. This isn’t trying to root out the identity of someone who anonymously said some shit you didn’t like online. These pictures aren’t being posted

Seems like a fine boy, no probs here.

Don’t forget infantilizing him and economic anxiety.

They are so tough in their gangs at their backs - I mean the police, of course. One fired a gun, those animals beat our brother and the cops watched it all happen, while probably thinking - “we’re missing out on all this action”.

Why you gotta be a downer?

The Master Race® strikes again! Look at that little piggy nose! tee-hee

So how long before he appears in court wearing glasses and a preppy haircut while his lawyers talks about childish mistakes, poor upbringing, and not wanting to ruin a young life, leading to a most likely White jury clearing him of charges?

“I’m totally against the white supremacists, but” 

Flamethrower dude was interviewed by The Root:

The guy draws his weapon, attempts to fire, realizes he forgot to chamber a round (slaps forehead, “Duh!”), then loads one and fires it hastily. Needs a little firearm training. . . or maybe he’ll lose his rights to carry one after this.

“using a homemade flamethrower to defend against neo-Nazis.”