
I just watched the video. ‘Chris Cantwell cries’ is #3 on Google when you start to type his name. What a sad little awful man. Fucking Smoogorf. Couldn’t really find a term to wholly encapsulate his pathetic ass so I made one up.

Others may have said it, but I think Garth Ennis said it best...

This is how you know these people are dumbasses...didn’t they learn from their pappys and grandpappys to hide their faces? That way you can do your lynching on the weekends and still have a job Monday morning...idiots! smh...

It always gives me pause that the people who claim the best of a singular race are always the worst example of it. Take a hard look at this supposed superior being.

You know his gofundme is at like, fourteen dollars.

Good. I hope his buddies and nazi leaders waste lots of their own money on his stupid legal defense and shit.

I love that the number is blank. Somebody’s probably wondering “Why didn’t they fill in the number?”

You know what they say about Pennsylvania: Philly on one side, Pittsburgh on the other with Alabama in between.

In related news, Deloris Amorino’s daughter is also likely her sister.

The Broncos theft of the Bears colors has never been lost on me.

I’m a Steelers fan. I also remember that post-season. Nothing says “you don’t deserve to advance” like getting posterized by a fucking Tim Tebow pass.

Nah. The Eagles and Bears entries are always great.

It’s a good thing Sanders isn’t an Eagle. People PARK in the Median in Philly.

Well, I’ll be damned.

As a dreaded midwestern transplant and Bears fan, my only joy in the NFL season comes from watching the downfall of the once-mighty Broncos.

Eons ago I worked at an AOL tech support call center right across the street from Monfort in Greeley. Once a month they would boil off all the cow blood from the kill floor. You can’t just dump 500million gallons of cow blood into the ground water. Anyways... the smell of boiling cow blood is about the most heinous

Elway is the worst.

What has always sucked: There’s no polite way to say this, so I’ll just put it out there: Denver smells like poop. For real, I went there this summer and everything smelled like shit. So I asked a reader, “Hey, what’s that smell?”