
If Cleveland parlays this into another Finals trip, the Steph/KD pick and roll against Isaiah/Love is going to be a fucking war crime.

I created a burner just to respond to this. I’m a longtime Chicago music industry flunkie as well as a friend of someone close to this story, and I can vouch that locally this whole thing has absolutely been an appalling open secret for 20 years or more. The Chicago music industry from radio to concerts has a long

This franchise is what you get after a Disney ride impregnates the Saints.

Fame, poverty, lack of love at home, money, seduction, peer pressure, poor self esteem, I can go on...

I didn’t know he had died until I listened to the audio commentary on the musical episode. I loved him to bits, though.

Good lord, I had forgotten how stupid Xena got towards the end. Tons of good stuff in the beginning and occasionally good shows near the end. But Hope/Solan/etc. was sooooo pointless and stupid.

ARES WAS HER DAD!!! Most probably. Also, actor Kevin Smith (not that one) who played Ares died doing a stunt in a movie in Hong Kong.

I mean, sure, it could come off decently as a parody for maybe a season, but it wouldn’t be Xena. It’d be like the Muppets reboot where they did very-much Muppet things and then cut to “oh look, it’s The Office now”. It only works if it’s meant to be a parody of the source material, and even then it’s not something

There was actually a bonkers episode of Xena where they did something similar. It was from the perspective of a tabloid TV reporter following them around to get a story. The episode even ended with the reporter fruitlessly trying to get Xena and Gabrielle to define the exact nature of their relationship.

If it wasn’t going to be Lucy Lawless, it wouldn’t have been Xena, so I’m oddly okay with this.

I wish there was a channel with the balls to run a line up like..... whatever that was in the mid 90s. Hercules - Xena - Sinbad - Queen of swords. My childhood tv was schlock, and amazing for it

He can definitely sue. You can pretty much sue anybody for anything.

If it was on Syfy and showed along my other geeky ladyshows (Killjoys, Dark Matter, Wynonna Earp), I’d be all about it. Actually, if Hannah John-Kamen wanted to be Xena I would be 😍.

We have a family friend who’s been in the music business for years and during R. Kelly’s criminal trial he told us that Kelly is known to seek out the youngest girls at a party. He’ll find the one with braces, or teen acne, the one that looks alone, uncomfortable or out of place. He is 100% a predator and should be in

Actually obtaining and seeing the evidence and if it can actually be used.

I’m starting to think this R. Kelly fellow might not be a good guy.

Just as a reminder to the trolls. If you are under 18, you do not have the ability to give consent. Even if a teenager says yes, that is not okay in the eyes of the law (or decent people). That is all.

The only way I could imagine a body appearing in pieces is if it was snacked upon. But we’re talking Copenhagen bay, not the coast of South Africa. I don’t think they have big enough sharks.

“She must’ve dismembered herself and then tossed herself over the side” - Defence Lawyer

Uhhhh ... throwing a body overboard and then lying about it doesn’t seem like a natural way to respond to an accident at sea. If this really is her body, then dismembering the body of the accident victim seems like a really unusual decision.