
Agreed 100% about Kelly. That look could have easily been directed at the media. Right now Kelly is getting rid of the public-facing cruft in the White House staff. This means that we should expect to see a resultant “cleaning and civilizing” of the public image of the proproganda they spew.

Ryan just says enough to deflect any shit coming his way while letting the Trump rogue elephant trample Obama’s legacy and gut reglulations and health care.

I have a theory that the Trumpists have some dirt on Ryan and other key GOP leaders that they want to control...

STARTS???!!! How much worse can he possibly flounder? There aren’t enough GIFs in the world to show how badly Der Fury is floundering!

Agreed on all counts.

I find military service to be an honorable, laudable thing—but service on its own does not indemnify the individual who served from responsibility for being an asshat.

If a servicemember—whether current or former—chooses to associate with white supremacist groups, for instance, then I’m going to

I’ve been thinking that as well. There’s no way Russia just hacked the Democrats, they got the Republicans as well, but are keeping that a secret to blackmail them. The GOP could have easily gotten rid of Trump any time and replaced him with Pence, who would obey their every word, but they’re not. Someone has

How much of a useful idiot is he when he divides the party so much that they can’t get legislation passed?

so I supposed you DON’T want the trains to run on time?

I have a theory that the Trumpists have some dirt on Ryan and other key GOP leaders that they want to control; that sort of God, Bible & Family-First hypocrite is especially susceptible to it. Remember when Scaramucci babbled about Reince Priebus’ “mistress” just before he was fired? My ears sure picked up on that

So, what’s the over/under in Vegas for Kelly resigning? Asking for a friend...

Yeah, it was a misstep, but at least they are coming out on the ethical side here. If the shit ever really hits the fan, at least we know the military will be on the left side. As a former serviceman, I can guarantee you those hillbilly fucks won’t last 5 minutes. They will surrender, or they will never hear the

...and yet Ryan fiddles as Rome burns

I come from a military family—and am married to a currently serving soldier—so I’m admittedly biased in favor of the military as a whole (it’s been a general net positive in my life), but I would like to put something forward for those who may have limited experience with our nation’s Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and

Now playing

Yes you have, General Kelly. Yes you have.

Actually I was thinking more the Army Chief of Staff. But Kelly actually shares a lot of 45's ideals AND this is a standard look-of-face for a hard-assed military representative. Granted, this is usually the face used when an intelligence officer is pulling shit out of thin air to justify sending a bunch of people

And some weakass Republicans will condemn these statements and become media heroes before voting for every single thing he proposes. Looking at you, Ben Sasse.

Don, if you are going to dog whistle to your fellow racists, could you make it harder to hear, please?

Just a primer for the inevitable “What about BLM?” “What about antifa?” “What about?” posts....

Well we know he watched Fox and Friends this morning because they were pushing that alt left bullshit too.

Mr President: there was a time in this country we didn’t question the brave fellow citizens committing righteous violent attacks on Nazis and their sympathizers who opposed all we hold sacred; we call them WWII veterans. Stop desecrating their graves.