
Eating junk food without your little one coming and asking what you are eating and if they can have some is the definition of bliss. Because you know if they see you eating that ice cream/bag of chips/candy, they will ask for some, and you have to give them a bite/some of it. If you don’t, the guilt you feel ruins the

I am so angry at these Trumpers. So, so angry at their hypocrisy and just plain ugliness. I DON’T LIKE BEING THIS ANGRY!

Thanks You! - the heart attack many will suffer after reading your proposal will greatly reduce their numbers

Poll: Half of Republicans are morons assholes.

I’m old and getting chunkier by the day, sex wears me out every goddamn time. I can’t imagine hopping up and deciding to actually cook anything.

Fine, they can have the dictatorship but they don’t get to pick who will be in charge. I say OBAMA 2017-ETERNITY.

Any man who will sweat a noisy, drunken party, then load up all of his gear, THEN go back to wrap up some cake for me? Yeah. He’ll have to throw ME out first. Then again, he’s going deaf, so I have to shout everything at him:/


Poll: Half of Republicans are morons.

Let’s be really, really real, here.

Walk of shame? Speak for yourself. For me, it’s the stride of pride!

No crackers on bed.

Wedding cake!!!!! that My Guy used to bring home from the wedding gigs he played (which were a lot at the time: I had a whole freezer-full).

Don’t be embarrassed. I owned a Taco Bell once: midnight snacktime is what makes that business work.

Food during sex = sex on the beach = sex on the kitchen counter = sex in the pool = things that sound good only on paper (if that)

LOL a one night stand and I once decided to get Taco Bell right after sex. She was like “I’m hungry, and I saw a Taco Bell while walking back to your place. Wanna come with?” I guess some people crave Taco Bell!

You’re asking people, including his victim, to have a crystal ball. Many rapists are young men with poor impulse control, and not mentally ill. To assume that playing a violent sport famous for harboring male criminals is going to improve this man’s character is pretty mindless.

Because sportsball is all about second chances, I guess. And, hey, bitches be crazy, amirite?

I love food and I love sex..... But I feel like the two are pretty incompatible. A dinner date is one thing, sure, but food right before sex? Or right after? Usually right after it’s either sleep or walk of shame time.

His victim will serve a life sentence of depression and anxiety.