
I wonder if she grew tired of his Trumpism

You don’t even need to mention the factors responsible for the job market being up, it’s happening in Canada as well, which Trump has nothing to do with. His claims to be responsible are 100% BS since it’s happening in another country, without him being involved. He’s that stupid, and his supporters are even dumber

He’s “so brave” what a “gentleman”. Gee I wonder if there’s been fetishes and porn around for basically everything since the beginning of time.

I certainly appreciate your code of ethics in not taking credit for another person’s joke, but I also can appreciate you bringing it up here, because this shit is so cringe-inducing. I honestly think this kind of guy would be more insufferable in the workplace, because at least with the typical misogynist shitbags I

oh, fuck. i totally experienced that this week.

Now playing

My mind trying to comprehend the savageness of your post:

Because if she was a single digit dress size, there’d be no “anyway.”

A male feminist walks into a bar

Required reading:

I felt the same way, yesterday, reading a story from the VOWS section of the NYT. The headline was something like: Twenty year Age Gap Doesn’t Matter. And I instantly knew that the woman was older since no one would have bothered to notice (much less note) a 20-year age gap were the genders reversed.

I think I’ve figured out the code: If you give a guy a boner, you’re “curvy.” If you don’t, you’re “fat.”

👍🏻 👍🏻 His post feels like it’s entering fetish territory to me. :/

As the Grilling King of the Southeastern United States (the Grilling Center of the Universe), I hereby command all loyal subjects to take the hot burgers off the grill, place them onto a plate or cookie sheet (depending on the number of burgers), immediately place quality cheese onto burgers, and cover with foil.

Aaand the wipe-standing-up crowd chimes in...

Starred simply for proper internet usage of “you’re” and “your”. Would have given bonus points if you had worked “yore” in there somehow.

That’s exactly what I thought. Typical BBQs I go to, the grillmaster is putting freshly grilled burgers/cheeseburgers on a plate, not a bun, so folks can then dress them up as they choose. So of course you need to melt the cheese on while they are on the grill.

These diabolical, dick-shrinking motherfuckers and their zest for kung fu treachery.

How are things going on the front with Eastasia?

unemployement is at a 16 year low....... isnt that when the gop came into power last and fucked everything up?