
People don’t realize he loves holding my hand. And that’s good, as far as that goes.

People don’t realize he loves holding my hand. And that’s good, as far as that goes.

“Unhinged Tangerine Man Babbles About Conspiracies; Needs Remedial Civics Class”

Why the fuck would you come to Foxtrot Alpha for cars?

Palm plant to forehead — jeez, not more of this shit! One more time: we don’t need ignorant commenters complaining about Foxtrot Alpha posts showing up on the main page.

How may car-related posts do you normally find in the Foxtrot Alpha blog?

If anyone is deranged it is anyone who is still a Trump supporter at this time. I can forgive someone who admits that he made a mistake, but you willingly choose to live in a parallel reality of alternative facts.

Who doesn’t deserve a five-figure payday after getting knocked out by a drunk athlete?

I saw this a while ago, but am always ready to watch it again. I know he may not be for everyone, but I love john Oliver.

It’s criminal. Anyone who supports this should be ashamed of themselves.

Okay, so insult to all Keebler elves Jeff Sessions first is virulently anti-drug and it wouldn’t surprise me if he starts cracking down on states with recreational marijuana. Plus he wants to seize assets at a greater pace. So he’s basically found how to fund more tax cuts, right? Because there is a shit ton of money

I still keep coming back to the fact that guy was DENIED BECOMING A FEDERAL JUDGE BECAUSE HE WAS DEEMED TOO RACIST. But, hey, let’s make him fucking AG instead.

Kris Kobach, architect of the Trump administration’s fraudulent voter fraud investigation, said “we may never know” if Hillary Clinton won the popular vote

And when is someone going to tell him that putting a word like sick in quotes is actually implying the opposite meaning, not emphasizing it.

This story ended with Jerry Jones paying off the witnesses and authorities through funds from the giant Salvation Army kettle at JerryWorld.

We’re drawing too hard of a line for today’s athletes on what’s acceptable and not. For instance, I saw a video from the early 80's of Terry Bradshaw filling a car with 5 cases of beer, racing a Hawaiin Tropic themed race-car from Connecticut to LA, being chased by the police, and wrecking into a swimming pool.

This was posted over on The Root yesterday (on their article about asset forfeiture, ironically enough)

Oh and the UK is threatening to return over 120 tonnes of high-level reactor waste to EU member states if they don’t agree to allow Britain to have its own way over Euratom.

I just came up with a hypothetical situation, a thought experiment if you will: If Donald Trump’s head were somehow separated from his body, would his subsequent tweets become more, or less coherent? At any rate, I’d guess that the volume of tweets would stay more or less consistent for about a month.

Now playing

John Oliver covered civil asset forfeiture. (FUCK SESSIONS)