
i want to see the shark tank/dragon's den episode of this

This is borderline child abuse. There's absolutely no reason to expose your kid to this stuff so early. I bet this kid is going to need years of therapy after going through this. Some things you just aren't ready to do at age 11, and going to North Carolina is one of them.

not in the head though!

Fuck you, YouTube, for making it so I can't even watch a minute-and-a-half cat video without first seeing a 30-second car commercial.

Except for the few fellow cops that try to have them brought to justice. Though I hear they are almost universally reviled.

I've read about ten reports so far, including local reports. I haven't seen any corroboration of the officer's report by witnesses. He claims she was aggressive all day. He claims she apologised to him. But there seems to be no one backing him up. Do you have a report I missed?

last time i was at the dentist, for some weird reason the dentist asked me to close my eyes before she injected me with novocain. Aparently that makes me panic, but I didnt know beforehand to say no, I better keep my eyes open. When she poked me I reflexively pulled my hands into a defensive position, which knocked

I don't get it either, and I try very hard not to point and judge. The guilt has to be a life sentence. I've seen comedy in which a child is trying to tell a parent on a phone something important while the parent is oblivious. Except it is not funny, because I see in real life, at parks, in the grocery store, etc

I saw that movement, but I'm going to be frank, cop or not, uniform or not, if I just got grabbed, I am probably going to reach up and try to deflect, too. Just out of instinct. I'm going to protect my face, more than anything. That doesn't deserve several gut punches. It's not like she's armed or has size or weight

Another reason cops should have to be recorded at all times a'la End of Watch. Cops should always be forced to show evidence of any charge, always. If people are supposed to have any sort of authority a higher standards should be included no matter what.

Seriously. It's about proper force for the appropriate situation: he did not need to beat the shit out of a young woman to restrain her or restrict her movement. It doesn't matter now what she did to get his attention, he's completely in the wrong now. He destroyed his authority on the spot, turned the crowd against

This is being reported all over in this city. Allegedly, even the counterprotestors she had been arguing with started shouting for the cop to stop.

Oh god yes, it's so ridiculous, we should educate people how to take personal video for their own private enjoyment on their fucking phones. Don't they know that of the videos they take, 0.001% might be seen by the general public during a court case and they owe it to us to take it in the right orientation? Ugh.

I've seen the police escalate a few inner city fights. One night, we had a small, but brewing altercation going on outside of the agency. We called the cops and locked the building down, so that it didn't come inside (it's happened). The police showed up and started randomly punching people who weren't even involved -

From other comments, it sounds like the anti-gay protesters are defending her, not the cop. You know it's bad when...

It's YouTube...they've got a special gutter, somewhere outside a waste processing plant, where they congeal them by the dozen and provide them with an Internet hookup.

Sickening. For me it is the gut punch that is particularly revolting.

I wish the brotherhood blue line or whatever you want go call it would stop protecting these assholes. The bad seeds don't become bad seeds overnight and this probably could have been prevented.

Thank goodness for phone-cams. Good luck hiding behind the blue curtain, officer.