
The lower the teams chance to win the smaller the chance of them being douchebags. I have talked to guys from the Bosnian team and they are positively inspiring people who are simply proud to represent their nation in the greatest sporting event in the world, my guess is most of the underdog teams are the same.

Hulk tho...(dayuuum)

Louis CK has this bit that I love about losing your spouse. It's sort of a "should I be laughing or crying" kind of bit, but I find it really comforting. I couldn't find a clip (at work and can't really youtube), but someone transcribed it. Also, sorry in advance if it comes off as depressing and not comforting

Is it weird that even though I think these men are physically attractive, I feel no sexual attraction to them because I know they're probably douchebags in person?

<3 Holla at me if you ever move to Austin, TX!

What 60's? I've wanted to move into a retirement community since I was 35. Lawns are kept, nobody drives too fast, there's always someone home to play cards with, and no whippersnappers with their dang rock'n'roll rubbish! Seriously, it's my dream.

If I marry my current boyfriend, I will be a golden girl of necessity. I'll be widowed by 70 if I'm really lucky (probably more likely by 65) and I have some serious longevity in my family. Bring on the sassy elderly friends; I'm going to be a Sophia.

you might as well throw away the entire justice system and the constitution while you're at it.

well I know the story I'll be sick of hearing about for the next 2.5 years.

A thousand years ago I read an interview with the female lawyer who represented one of the men in the gang rape of a woman on a pool table in Massachusetts. The crux of the interview was "how can a woman represent a man accused of rape?" And her response was, our legal system entitles everyone to to the best

I bet you could find equally morally queasy work if you went back far enough for any attorney. The "slutshaming a sixth grader" aspect looks especially wrong to us today, but in 1975 it's probably what any attorney would have done.

If you want a snapshot of what she'll be facing in 2016, read the New Republic profile on Scott Walker that just came out on the website. Not only does it explain how a goon got elected with the help of oafish talk radio, but it pretty cogently explains how Democrats will have to learn how to win control of the

Is this the new political tactic against all lawyers — find out their client roster and impugn them for doing their job to represent them? Not everyone is in a position to cherry pick clients for whom they have no conflict (whether as a solo practitioner or associate at a large BigLaw firm) and certainly, when the

you rang????

The feels just wash all over you...

This expression sums up my reaction

Not clutching my pearls or anything. I just think it's completely fug and unflattering.

My youngest son was born at thirty five weeks and weighed 10lbs 10oz. He spent two weeks in the NICU anyway. I had preeclampsia and gestational diabetes. My guess would be she had undiagnosed gestational diabetes.