
Not for nothing, but does it bother anyone else that the Pacific Island state of Hawaii is being represented by some sack of shit white guy named Bob?

Completely curable? Ha, ha, ha, ha! You haven't heard about the drug resistant strains that are emerging obviously!

Why do religious extremists in Murica believe anything that seems idiotic to the rest of us?

I understand it, but I don't agree with it at all. These parents would rather do the things that make them feel good instead of what's really good for their kids. I live in the buckle of the bible belt and I see the same sad shit as you. TAP(alternative school for pregnant teens) has been around for 44 years.

"Sexualizing the Innocent"?

What a jackass. Does he also think that history class makes kids nazis? Clearly, he has his head upp his Human Anus.

Since STDs are by and large completely curable and certainly not deadly, that isn't natural selection. In fact, the children of conservatives will and do have higher "fitness," meaning they have more offspring. The reality is much closer to Idiocracy than I'd like.

So a consequence of this is the kids of those uptight, fanatical religious or otherwise clueless parents will have a higher incidence of STD's than those that opt IN. That is natural selection at it's finest. Because I can assure you those Opt OUT kids will STILL BE HAVING SEX.

It's so hard for me to understand how people can justify adding "morality" to medically accurate information. As a high school teacher in Louisiana who daily witnessed the effects that a lack of sexual and reproductive health education has on children (or health education IN GENERAL AT ALL), the only thing that keeps

This reads like a 4th grade book report. He doesn't even know how to write an executive summary? Way to go people of Ewa Beach for nominating this moron.

so is the NCAA. It's nice that cities are willing to give these fledgling organizations a shot at success!

Yeah but they're non-profit

Fuck that guy, and solidarity for G cup boobs while we're at it.

I think you look hot, not gonna lie.

Jezzies, as a cisdude I conquered a fear today and bought skirts!

Us Hispanic guys have been (well, most of us, anyway) right there with the black guys.

What "closet"?

Billionaire gets slap on the wrist: Very predictable.

Has no prior record and has led an otherwise productive life.