
Seriously, this is what Jez has become? A tragic article about the attempted murder of a young girl brings out an army of trolls? Please people, do not engage with folks who are too willfully obtuse to understand the difference between the explicit manifesto of Eliot Rodger and some 12 year olds plotting to kill one

Everything about this is incredibly messed up. I live a county over from where this happened and it's everywhere on the radio, news, etc. These are all children - I'm horrified by the two girls' actions and horrified by people calling for them to be tried as adults.

It's wildly funny and got enormous play in the market because it was so. You obviously have a stick up your ass and cannot on any level relate to the highly humorous bit that Dan provided as a release of emotions that was pent up from years of hearing every asshole in America, including you, try to dismiss them or

Heck, if I had a flat stomach and lived in NewYork, *I'd* go everywhere as Lady Godiva! Tits are fun and pretty, even non-celebrity ones.

b is redundant...

Anyone who disagrees with this being an epic takedown of Indiana is either (a) a humorless fuck, or (b) from Indiana.

I'll take what I can get.

She's already reportedly been slated to play her in an upcoming biopic. I instantly revolted at the notion.

No (wo)man standing against her shall prosper!

Pics or it didn't happen. :-)

I'm wearing the same dress right now but Rihanna wears it better, I hate to admit.

I was about to say that. But I think most ppl think of Rose's outfit as a stunt. But Jlo's went down in history as THE DRESS.

I was getting that plus some of Adrian's early works for Joan Crawford. This one is from Dancing Lady in 1933, released just a few months before they started enforcing the Hays Code.

And yet, when I insist on crafting while naked so glitter doesn't get all over my clothes, everyone is all "put on an apron at least!" and "this is a public park, for crissake!" PRUDES.

I feel like they could have found cuter nude underwear, but otherwise this whole look is fantastic.

here is it, i don't know what to take of this dress

Everything old is new.

I only starred your comment just because you called Windbag a fat fuck troll

"Knock it off with the yelling—that's MY schtick."

Indianapolis ain't got nothing to talk about: