
There aren't actually picture of Hamm not wearing underwear. If there were no-one would suggest to him if he didn't like it, he should wear underwear or not have a penis.

Me neither, but they sound like the kind of thing that would be big in the fetish community.

So because she didn't have literal anchors sewn onto her dress to keep it down, she shouldn't expect anyone to respect her? Tell me more about how what she was wearing caused her to bring this upon herself.

So they flipped out because a Black man is the President? That is thoroughly unsurprising and racist to the bone.

What you said right here:

Just throwing this out there: if there's no real crime in your area and next to no other races represented in the population, is the thought that, should your town or neighborhood diversify, you want to be able to protect your family against blacks or Muslims?

This is so not-shocking it is barely news. Of course you don't care about dead children, of course. Your country is built on being free to say whatever you want even if it is a lie and shoot people indiscriminately whilst calling it liberty.

Babby's First Troll, a review by Macabre Cadabra

This is what we get for spending an election cycle glorifying mediocrity and "down-home-ness." This is the only country in the world where being uneducated and opinionated is a publicly valued combination.

First off: Joe the Plumber is still a thing? Like, has no one told him that 15 minutes is not supposed to last seven years?

This caused me to have a Twitter meltdown yesterday. It is now confirmed verbally: conservatives believe that victims of gun violence are necessary collateral damage to their "right" to own personal firearms.

Yeah, as a FAMOUS gay man who dresses like a woman for a living (and who is black, btw) - he has NO worries about someone beating him or killing him, while shouting that word and for who he is. He could not possibly understand what is like to be different. Btw- I'm being sarcastic.

I think, though, the problem is that as a transvestite he can take it off, walk home, and have nothing to fear. He doesn't have to worry about some asshole popping out of the bushes and kicking the crap out of him while shouting that word. I'm pretty sure you'll agree with me-your comment seemed phrased in a "this is

First the President bows to foreign leaders, now he puts himself at eye level with little girls. How much farther will the Kenyan in Chief go to weaken the image of America?

You get the award for "Most Unnecessary SJW Bullshit Today." Congrats!

I always find it so obnoxious when conservatives refuse to acknowledge institutionalized misogyny and rape culture—both of which pervade virtually every movement (politics, race, class)—and then when a liberal man makes a sexist statement, it's "see! Liberals can be sexist, too!" And then you have to explain "liberal" case anyone wants to learn more about Dr. Bosworth and her plea for decency:

Ms. Bosworth, have you actually observed what your party is doing vis a vis women's rights? Do you support mandatory transvaginal ultrasounds? Do you oppose maternity leave, affordable child care, and WIC? Do you think women should hold aspirin between their knees? I could go on, but basically: get the fuck out

Not all Republicans!!!!!11111!!!!

So....the Repubs declaring that Hils couldn't be Prez AND Grandma at the same time———? And Rush slut shaming Sandra Fluke? "Legitimate rape"? The hundreds of anti-abortion bills, all based on the notion that women are stupid? I could go on.....