
10/10 for gif usage

Our number one deficit issue: the fact that we spend more on defense than the rest of the world COMBINED.

Friend she was with at Belushi's party?

Such a Joy move.

Now playing

Wait. Hold up. Remember this? This was GOLD.

But the same people who support this sort of idiocy are outraged that we might spend a fraction of this much money on poverty relief, education, etc.

I'm not 100% convinced this is ever getting old.

It's just a jobs program for Alabama (MDA is based in Huntsville).

Not ALL firearms.

Don't forget about Kansas! Especially if it involves science, God, or a vagina.

Most of the military industrial complex is about moving tax dollars into a select few private hands. It's stealing from the public, basically. Why do you think the conservatives continue to spread propaganda on the ills of socialism? God forbid we spend tax dollars on citizens! NO! THE HORROR! It amazes me what

The people who actually are experts in this kind of thing have been saying it won't work since Reagan instituted the idea back in the 80's. The (mostly Republican) proponents of the idea think that if they just throw enough money at the problem it can be solved. The problem is you don't solve a problem like this by

Well, the McNugget Accountability Agency (McNAA) would have been a better place to start. If she couldn't get satisfaction from them (they do have a reputation for being a little slow at times—bureaucracy, you know), she could have also gotten in touch with the McNugget Action Committee (McNAC). Now, they are not

The romantic pull of Ronnie Raygun still woos our leadership's lonely hearts.

Texas is such a dangerous team already. I mean, they have so many weapons.

Say what you will, but this is a really baller move. Game recognize game.

Well who else was she supposed to call, Rebecca? WHO, I ask you?!

Is it true that you can take the Woman out of Florida but you can't take the Florida out of the Woman?

I, for one, find her use of the term "unsavory" to be rather quaint. Like instead of clutching her pearls, she just grabbed a bulldozer instead.