
Yas! Get it girls! Gabi and Nadia are everything though.

Real talk - I got some meat on my bones and I was in Macy's today just looking for some damn work shirts and pants and I wanted to cry out, "YES. PLEASE SELL MORE LARGE PRINT FLORAL SMOCKS." I don't hide from my body and I want to feel amazing in what I wear. This video, first and foremost, made me be like - where

I follow Nadia on Tumblr. I love her. She's gorgeous and has a great look and style. I only wish I had the balls to pull of some of the stuff she wears. She's definitely a fashion inspiration for me.

They didn't consent to that biography though.

If you can't tell the difference between a piece of literature and an invasion of someone's privacy, then there really isn't any point in me arguing with you. Show me a piece of literature whose sole purpose is to divulge personal information without the consent of participants and I will take back what I said. Until


I just know his daughter lost her virginity in the church basement.

I fucking hate people who try to get books banned. It's so...there isn't a word to describe how bad it is. Unless we're talking about a scientific piece of literature that has been debunked, (bell curve) there is nothing that can possibly justify banning a piece of literature. This country's love affair with

So shirtlessness and the presence of a bed are all that's required to make a situation sexual?

But of all the cast, people still care about Rico?? He was the obnoxious little shit character.

Agreed. After staring at them intently for two minutes (for science,) I think that what sexualizes them is the fact he's shirtless, and that they are in black and white. Black and White is ALWAYS sexier.

The thing is, it shouldn't matter. The photos aren't sexual, and to claim that they are — and worse, blame Willow Smith for them being sexual — is to forcibly sexualize a 13-year-old girl just because she's a 13-year-old girl.

that's literally the point, that this kind of objectification happens to women all the time in every place.

I've been on Gawker a long time—hell, I was a starred commenter there, back when that was a thing. I definitely agree that the commenters are generally sane, but it's also really not just people coming from Gizmodo and Deadspin. One of the reasons I find articles like this so depressing is that they tend to included

The MRAs and their ilk are all coming from Gizmodo and Deadspin. Gawker has been having some serious Reddit troll problems recently, but I find that overall their commentators are pretty sane.

You mean comments like this?

The comments on Gawker are so terrible! They're all from "pro-choicers" that are horrified a woman had an abortion and wasn't bedridden with depression in grief for a year afterwards.

I think Dennis Leary wore it better.