Finally, a video that belongs on Deadspin.
Finally, a video that belongs on Deadspin.
LOL who gives a fuck
Monday Update: Old Man Literally Yells At Cloud
“This one’s goin’ back back back backbackbackbackback aaaaaaaaand.......Gonorrhea!”
“But, but...the”
Sushi doesn’t go with crackers.
In the AAF, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups. The players who were suckered into wasting months of their life, and the owners who will somehow cash out and profit on an obvious disaster. These are their stories.
Has there ever been a situation in which Trump hasn’t been weird? I’m not even trying to be funny here. The man is simultaneously deeply insecure and wildly narcissistic. He’s unable to read or emulate human emotions or behavior. He’s a lunatic. Him acting weird is his normal.
There’s an old legal saw that if the facts are on your side, but the law is not, you emphasize the facts. And if the law is on your side, but the facts are not, you emphasize the law.
“So bye bye Let’s Remember Some Guys”
MacLean later clarified: “I can’t remember if I cried, when I read about his widowed bride, nothing touched me deep inside, the day Robert Traylor died.”
Next stop: Liberty University
“I knew that n-word Kapernik was only in it for the money. The troops fight for our freedoms and what does he fight for, a big fat check from the NFL for him and his homies to cash at the corner store. And before you call me a racist for using the N-word, just know that I heard Little Wayne and Notorios Biggie use it,…
What you see here hinges on whether you believe that “Make America Great Again” is a dog whistle meant to unite racists, misogynists, and homophobes under one umbrella, or you’re delusional and don’t care about people who aren’t white men.
That guy looks like every winner ever of the ugliest dog contest.
Basically you can dilute ALL cleaning products with water by half, and they still work. We do this with Mrs Meyer’s products— hand soap, dish soap, and spray cleaners. With hand soap, we reuse a foaming hand soap pump by adding like 1/3 soap and 2/3 water.
Foaming hand soap is a HUGE ripoff if you don’t do this. You’re…
Please let this man’s shoulder and/or brain be free of crab meat someday.
I guess this means Marty is stuck in 1955 forever. Just like Mike Pence and the rest of Indiana.