except for that pesky part where everything about the game is practically geared towards telling a story. even to the point of never letting you skip a cutscene that you’ve seen countless times before. everything except that
except for that pesky part where everything about the game is practically geared towards telling a story. even to the point of never letting you skip a cutscene that you’ve seen countless times before. everything except that
i love how we idolize people who do stupid things and die.
but then as a society we ostracize people who use drugs.
why on earth would you ever use the stock media player in any windows system?? eeewwwww
i appreciate the fuck out of a good teabagging. give or take. dip them balls.
white people everywhere screaming in rage at this imagined slight.
oh look, let’s pretend i give a fuck what you have to say... oh, damn. i can’t even do that.
only if the game is coded nativley for mouse/keyboard support. otherwise, the mouse axis will work like joystick axis, and be annoying.
i’m not advocating anon in the slightest, but your question is pretty silly. anon has said it’s about changing social injustices. how many of those anon messages have been in chinese?? like.... none??? obviously, we need to fix our own fucked up mess before we try messing with whole other sovereign nations. chinese…
i honestly couldn’t even be bothered to read the rest of the article after the rent part. that’s such awful advice. penny pinching for the sake of penny pinching is a sad existence, especially when it’s pure profit for someone else.
not particularly. but Canada’s health care is still crumbling. you’re delusional if you think otherwise. we spend too much money on police and military and tools of violence to use on our own people.
we don’t need weapons of mass murder. it’s fucking pathetic. we spend all our money on murder machines and our health care system suffers for it. it’s so fucking pedantic.
oh look, an extremely pathetic logical fallacy.... how adorable.
“ All those games suck though “
the time fix is simple. just go to your time settings and sync it.
15 is the max i can get in my town in ontario canada. this article makes me laugh.
no other species copies and pastes logical fallacies from the internet either.
hi, this is 2015 calling. nice to meet you. would you like a refresher course on IT history? you know, civvie gps haven’t been that low resolution since the early 2000’s, maybe even the 90’s. if you’re phone isn’t registering to within a couple meters, i bet you don’t even have your gps turned on and you’re just using…
nope. your opinion only works for you. some of us were born with defects and voice technology still can’t understand us. i’ve been using swipe ONLY for the past year and a half. i’ve swiped well over 20km worth of text. it is far superior to sloppy google voice technology that can’t understand people born with cleft…
I threw in a corrupt police precinct, so obviously I was way ahead of my time
nope. all pigs are corrupt. always have been, always will be. the thin blue line is timeless